Monday, 6 November 2017

Henderson moving average formula

Witamy w Henderson Connellan Poznaj zespół Nasz zespół demonstruje przeciętny okres świadczenia usług w ciągu 7,5 roku w całej firmie, który zapewnia naszym klientom spójność, produktywność i uśmiech. Krótko mówiąc, możesz bardzo dobrze poradzić sobie z tym samym specjalistą w dziedzinie nieruchomości podczas następnej transakcji na rynku nieruchomości. Oto nasz zespół wraz z niewielkim wglądem w ich osobowości. Bryan Connellan, Caroline Henderson Dyrektorzy firmy Caroline, pochodzący z Dundee w Szkocji i Bryan urodzeni i wychowani w Northamptonshire, obaj trenowali w Londynie, gdzie w 1988 r. Otrzymali nagrodę lsquoOffice of the Yearrsquo od największej sieci agencji nieruchomości w UKrsquos. Później pracowali w Sydney dla jednego z wiodących niezależnych agentów nieruchomości Australiarsquos, gdzie ich rozumienie najbardziej zaawansowanych technik sprzedaży w branży kierowało Hendersonem Connellanem, aby osiągnąć jeszcze wyższy poziom osobistej obsługi i innowacji w marketingu i reklamie nieruchomości. Pragnęliśmy firmy, która byłaby zarówno ekscytująca, jak i stylowa w tym, jak sprzedawała nieruchomość i która była oparta na etyce ciężkiej pracy i nieustępliwym zaangażowaniu w naszych klientów. Nasze pierwsze hasło było czasem dla Changerdquo i ponownie w 1993 roku. nowe podejście było fantastyczne. Dziś wciąż się zmieniamy i poprawiamy i jesteśmy dumni, że możemy reprezentować naszych klientów, którzy są zainteresowani sprzedażą nieruchomości. Caroline i Bryan mają sportowego, szalonego syna i bawią się razem w golfa, podczas gdy Bryan gra również na gitarze rockowej z aspiracjami, by być równie dobrym jak Stevie Ray Vaughan. Ich ulubioną restauracją jest Thai Gardens, Rothwell. e: saleshendersonconnellan. co. uk t: 01536 417888 Lee dołączył do Henderson Connellan w 1998 roku i od 20 lat jest związany z agencją nieruchomości. Lee jest teraz dyrektorem naszego oddziału w Corby, a przynosi ze sobą ogromne doświadczenie i know-how, odnosząc sukcesy wcześniej w Henderson Connellan, Kettering i Market Harborough. Jako człowiek rodzinny, Lee ma dwie młode dziewczyny, które większość czasu spędzają, ale kiedy może on lubi ćwiczyć na siłowni, zabiera całą rodzinę na festiwale muzyczne i ogląda Liverpool FC. Ulubiona restauracja - HAN. e: saleshendersonconnellancby. co. uk t: 01536 409717 Phil Caldwell Associate Director Phil dołączył do Henderson Connellan w 2006 roku i był inspirujący w budowaniu udanego biura w Corby. Gdy nie jest w pracy, spędza czas przekonywania swoich synów, Bena i Toby'ego, by wsparli Liverpool FC i zabrał swój sportowy motocykl na zakręt. Ulubione restauracjePub - Bakers Arms at Thorpe Langton. e: saleshendersonconnellancby. co. uk t: 01536 409717 Christie Taylor Senior Negocjator w dziedzinie sprzedaży Christie dołączyła do Henderson Connellan w 2018 r. i od 5 lat pracuje w Corby, przynosząc ze sobą trzyletnie doświadczenie w dziedzinie agencji nieruchomości i bogactwo lokalnej wiedzy . Christie spędziła ostatnie dwa lata swojej kariery z powodzeniem sprzedając nowe samochody dla salonu dealerskiego Corby, po tym, jak zdecydowała, że ​​nie jest to dla niej kariera, teraz jest szczęśliwsza niż kiedykolwiek, by sprzedać nieruchomość w Corby i okolicznych wioskach, w których Christie zawsze stara się być najlepszym agentem nieruchomości, którym może być i zawsze stawia na pierwszym miejscu interesy naszych klientów, konsekwentnie udowadniając, że jest pomocna i wspiera każdą osobę, z którą ma do czynienia. Kiedy nie jest w pracy, lubi zająć się gotowaniem w kuchni dla siebie i swojej partnerki Alix w ich domu w Uppingham. Christie lubi spędzać czas towarzysko z rodziną i przyjaciółmi i relaksować się przed telewizorem. Ulubioną restauracją Christiersquos jest Lake Isle w Uppingham. Sarah Laycock Property Manager Sarah dołączyła do Henderson Connellan w 2009 roku, oferując umiejętności i bogate doświadczenie zdobyte w ciągu ostatnich 7 lat, zarządzając dedykowanym zespołem obsługi klienta w Thomas Cook Direct. Sarah dołączyła do działu zarządzania nieruchomościami w Corbyrsquo w grudniu 2017 roku i cieszy się z tego wyzwania, a także powiększa dział o liderów rynku. W wolnym czasie jest zajęta przez swojego syna ldquoFreddierdquo i lubi spędzać czas z przyjaciółmi i dużą rodziną, a także bardzo lubi mieszkać w Gretton. Ulubioną restauracją Sarahrsquos jest Kings Head w Polebrook. e: saleshendersonconnellancby. co. uk t: 01536 409717 Linda Hardacre Administration Linda dołączyła do zespołu administracyjnego Henderson Connellan (Corby) w 2017 roku. Linda mieszkała w Corby przez całe życie i wnosi cenny wgląd w działania miast i społeczności. Ma dwójkę dorosłych dzieci i bardzo lubi chodzić swoimi dwoma psami i dbać o kondycję w The Lodge Park Sports Centre (jej drugi dom mówi nam) Ulubiona restauracja w naszym regionie - The Castle, Caldecott e: saleshendersonconnellancby. co. uk t: 01536 409717 Symonne Mead Property Management Symonne niedawno dołączyła do działu zarządzania nieruchomościami w Corbyrsquos i cieszy się z tego wyzwania. Symonne przez całe życie mieszkała w Corby i ma bezpośrednie doświadczenie w rozwoju i ekspansji miasta. W wolnym czasie uwielbia dbać o kondycję, chodzić na zakupy i spędzać czas ze swoim chłopakiem, przyjaciółmi i rodziną. Jej ulubioną restauracją jest Rio Bravo w Market Harborough. e: saleshendersonconnellancby. co. uk t: 01536 409717 Natasha Lynes Property Management Natasha dołączyła do naszego zespołu zajmującego się wynajmem w Corby w 2018 r., Natasha ma głębokie doświadczenie w pracy w branży nieruchomości, zanim dołączyła do nas pracowała w Corby Borough Council przez 8 lat gdzie rozwinęła szeroką wiedzę na temat zapotrzebowania mieszkaniowego sektora publicznego i prywatnego, konserwacji i zarządzania nieruchomościami. Kiedy nie jest w pracy, lubi spędzać czas ze swoim synem Ethanem, który jest aniołem i długimi spacerami w East Carlton Park z jej dalmatyńskim szczeniakiem Bellą, która jest absolutną dranicą Natasza ma bliską grupę przyjaciół i rodziny, z którymi lubi się spotykać. Natasha mieszka w starej wiosce Corby i przez większość swojego życia mieszkała w Corby, ma prawdziwe zrozumienie społeczności urbanistycznej i widziała Corbyrsquos niedawny wzrost i rozwój z pierwszej ręki i czuje, że przyszłość Corbyrsquos jest bardzo jasna, a ulubiona restauracja Natasharsquos to The Olive Lounge, Corby. e: saleshendersonconnellancby. co. uk t: 01536 409717 James Smith Przedstawiamy Jamesa Smitha, człowieka stojącego za Hendersonem Connellanem, Ketteringiem. James rozpoczął swoją karierę w agencji nieruchomości jako lsquoSaturday ladrsquo w 1992 roku, gdy miał 17 lat. Rozpoczął swoją karierę w pełnym wymiarze godzin pracując dla RCI w Kettering, później dołączając do Henderson Connellan w 1999 roku jako negocjator. James jest dyrektorem oddziału Kettering i pracuje z doświadczonym zespołem profesjonalistów, którzy zapewniają wyjątkową obsługę. James mieszka w Loddington z żoną i trójką dzieci. Szalenie dla Formuły 1 i ekipy Mercedesa, Jamesa, odreagował swoją jazdę od czasu przyjazdu fotelików dla dzieci Adam Brewster Dyrektor sprzedaży Adam pracuje dla Henderson Connellan od 2002 roku i przynosi do naszego biura Kettering ogromną wiedzę i doświadczenie w agencji nieruchomości. Poza pracą lubi spędzać czas z żoną i dwoma synami. Pozostaje bardzo aktywny dzięki hobby, w tym treningowi fitness, piłce nożnej, golfowi i jest wielkim fanem Formuły 1. Jego ulubioną restauracją jest Thai Garden w Rothwell e: adam. brewsterhendersonconnellan. co. uk t: 01536 417888 Jessica Deacon Senior Sales Negotiator Jessica jest doskonałym dodatkiem do biura w ketteringu. Pracuje w branży nieruchomości od 10 lat i wnosi do zespołu ogromne doświadczenie i różnorodność. Kiedy nie ma go w biurze, Jessica lubi spędzać czas z córką, która jest zapaloną entuzjastką hippiki i spotyka się z przyjaciółmi. Jej ulubiona restauracja to nr 131 w Cheltenham. Senior Sales Negotiator Joe przybył do Henderson Connellan w 2018 roku, ciesząc się bardzo udaną karierą w udanej praktyce agencji nieruchomości z siedzibą w Twickenham, jego rodzinnym mieście. Doświadczenie Joersquos okazało się nieocenione, ponieważ wykorzystuje swoją wiedzę i doświadczenie w sprzedaży nieruchomości dla naszego oddziału Kettering. Joe przeniósł się do okolicy z żoną i dwójką małych dzieci. Kiedy Joe ma wolną chwilę, lubi oglądać Formułę 1 i jest fanatycznym fanem Tottenham Hotspur. Jego roszczenia do sławy pojawiły się na przesłuchaniach LdquoX Factor ldquo, ale nie dotarły do ​​telewizyjnych scen z ulubioną restauracją ndash ldquoTap amp Kitchenrdquo w Oundle. Sam Shackleton Sam dołączył do Henderson Connellan latem 2018 roku, ponieważ przez całe życie mieszkał w Kettering, jego lokalna wiedza nie ma sobie równych, co przydaje się podczas poruszania się po ruchu Kettering w drodze na spotkania. Dzięki wcześniejszemu doświadczeniu zarówno w zakresie sprzedaży mieszkań, jak i wynajmu, Sam początkowo pracował w naszym dziale wynajmu, zanim przejął funkcję wsparcia sprzedaży. Sam jest teraz odpowiedzialny za produkcję naszych broszur, planów pięter i inspirujących Nagłówków i napisów do historii ndash, gdzie jego wyobraźnia może działać dziko. Sam jest zapalonym rowerzystą i graczem w snookera, który pomaga w utrzymaniu kalorii podczas wizyty w swojej ulubionej restauracji, Taste of India w Rothwell E: sam. shackletonhendersonconnellan. co. uk T: 01536 417888 Karen Mascall Kierownik administracyjny od Karen39s pierwszego dnia w Henderson Connellan wiedzieliśmy, że we39d wybiła się na złocie Karen oferuje bogate doświadczenie korporacyjne, które w połączeniu z jej naturalnym poczuciem odpowiedzialności (i poczuciem humoru) sprawiają, że jest prawdziwym pracownikiem modelki i jest ważką dla całej rodziny. Karen cieszy się rozrywką, gotowaniem i podróżowaniem, wspinając się na most Sydney Harbour Bridge, chodził po Wielkim Murze Chińskim i odwiedził Chrystusa Odkupiciela w Rio. Emma Harling Sales Support Emma dołączyła do firmy w 2018 roku, działając w naszym dynamicznym i bardzo pracowitym Dziale Administracji i Rozwoju Sprzedaży. Fortunatley Emma podejmuje wyzwanie, wcześniej pracując w specjalistycznych podróżach z wiodącym dostawcą na rynku. Emma, ​​pochodząca z Aylesbury, mieszka w Kettering od prawie ośmiu lat z mężem i dwójką dzieci. Emma jest również zagorzałym fanem Formuły 1, chociaż oglądanie umiejętności kierowców pomogło jej w ostatnich lekcjach jazdy Ulubiona restauracja ndash The Red Lion, Welham Sarah Smith Associate Director Wszystko, co związane z finansami, pochodzi od naszego finansowego czarodzieja, Sary, który jest bardzo ważne, jeśli chodzi o dokładną księgowość dla naszych Wynajmujących i Najemców. Sarah dołączyła do Henderson Connellan w 2007 r. Z branży finansów korporacyjnych w sektorze bankowym. Tak więc głębia doświadczenia i wydajności jest powszechna we wszystkim, co robi. Bez pracy Sarah mówi nam, że jej rodzina męża i troje dzieci to jej konsumująca pasja, poza tym brzęczenie kością słoniową i oglądanie dobrego pojedynku ruggerów zaznacza pola. Ulubiona restauracja - Wainwrights, Kraina Jezior. e: saleshendersonconnellan. co. uk t: 01536 417888 Victoria Davidson Property Management Victoria dołączyła do zespołu zarządzającego nieruchomościami Henderson Connellan (Kettering) w 2017 r. Mieszkając w Kettering przez większość swojego życia, jej poprzednia kariera związana była z logistyką i przyniosła jej doskonałe wyniki. zdolności organizacyjne do nowej roli zarządcy nieruchomości. Victoria niedawno kupiła swój pierwszy dom i jest zapalonym miłośnikiem psów, z 39Rocky39 jej mops dobrze znany w Kettering Leisure Village za jego uroczą zdolność. e: bestletshendersonconnellan. co. uk t: 01536 416555 Carrie Nerney Lettings Associate Director Carrie po raz pierwszy dołączyła do firmy w 2001 roku, świętując ponad dziesięć lat z Hendersonem Connellanem. Obecnie kieruje bardzo zajęty dział zarządzania nieruchomościami w Kettering, który został ustanowiony w 1993 roku. Zdolność Carrie do wykonywania wielu zadań jest legendarna i jesteśmy pewni, że wynika to z wychowania trójki dzieci, w tym bliźniaków. Mimo to nadal udało jej się ukończyć 3 szczytowe 24 godzinne wyzwanie wspinając się na Ben Nevis, potem Scafell Pike przez całą noc i kończąc na Snowdon. Carrie twierdzi, że był trudniejszy, niż myślałem, ale byliśmy częścią wspaniałego zespołu, a my przyciągnęliśmy się do siebie nawzajem: bestletshendersonconnellan. co. uk t: 01536 416555 Laura Tolton Property Management Laura dołączyła do zespołu ds. Wynajmu w 2018 r., Zabierając ze sobą nie tylko świetna osobowość, ale także znakomita obsługa klienta najemcom, właścicielom i podwykonawcom, przy jednoczesnym uporaniu się z trudną pracą konserwatorską. Przez całe życie mieszkała w Kettering, a jej pasją jest jej syn Luca. W wolnych chwilach jest zawodową łyżwiarzką udzielającą lekcji dla początkujących e: bestletshendersonconnellan. co. uk t: 01536 416555 Rachael Connon Zarządzanie nieruchomościami Rachael dołączyła do Henderson w 2018 roku jako Weekendowy Negocjator Sprzedaży i Lettings i awansowała na pełnoetatową nasz żywy zespół wynajmu. Rachael urodziła się w Kettering i dorastała w Uppingham przed przeprowadzką do Great Easton. Wcześniejsza kariera Rachael jako prywatnej niani oznacza, że ​​jej zdolność do zachowania spokoju pod presją okazuje się nieoceniona w pracowitym środowisku. Racheal uwielbia podróżować - jej ulubionym miejscem do tej pory jest Australia, gdzie odkrywała kraj i wspaniałe widoki przez pięć miesięcy. Ulubioną restauracją Rachael39s jest The Bakers Arms w Thorpe Langton. e: bestletshendersonconnellan. co. uk t: 01536 416555 David Hulett David jest naszym dyrektorem w Market Harborough i współpracował z Hendersonem Connellanem od 2001 roku, kiedy ten oddział po raz pierwszy został otwarty. Mieszka w Market Harborough i jest zapalonym golfistą (jeśli pozwala na to czas) grając w tenisa na pół serio w klubie tenisowym Market Harborough. David ma dwoje małych dzieci (Rhys i Maggie) i uwielbia spędzać czas ze swoją młodą rodziną. Ulubiona restauracja ndash Iberico, Nottingham e: saleshendersonconnellanmh. co. uk t: 01858 410400 Tom Cheshire Associate Director Tom jest naszym Sales Managerem w Market Harborough, a także jednym z naszych głównych negocjatorów. Kiedy poznasz Toma, szybko odkryjesz, dlaczego jest tak pełen entuzjazmu i naprawdę lubi sprzedawać nieruchomości. Tom jest również poświęcony innym drogom, często wstając o świcie, aby trafić na salę gimnastyczną. Ulubiona restauracja ndash The George - Stamford e: saleshendersonconnellanmh. co. uk t: 01858 410400 Holly Smith Senior Sales Negotiator Holly dołączyła do zespołu Market Harborough w 2017 roku i jest to jej pierwsze przedsięwzięcie w świecie nieruchomości. Mimo to udało jej się sprzedać 6 nieruchomości w pierwszym miesiącu zatrudnienia w firmie. Ona musi być naturalna Holly mieszkała w Market Harborough przez całe życie i przynosi ze sobą cenny wgląd w lokalną wiedzę, którą nasi klienci wyraźnie lubią. Projektuje prawdziwe, przyjazne i przyjazne podejście do agencji nieruchomości, które wielu postrzega jako powiew świeżego powietrza. Kiedy Holly nie pracuje, ona aktywnie działa na siłowni, lubi spotykać się z przyjaciółmi, szczególnie gdy zajmuje się sztuką terapii detalicznej. Ulubiona restauracja ndash Wildwood e: saleshendersonconnellanmh. co. uk t: 01858 410400 Danielle Watt Sales Negotiator Danielle jest najnowszym członkiem zespołu sprzedaży Market Harborough. Dołączyła do zespołu z rozległymi negocjacjami i doświadczeniem obsługi klienta i okazuje się być niezwykle wartościowym członkiem zespołu. Danielle mieszkała w Market Harborough przez całe życie i właśnie kupiła swój pierwszy dom w mieście ze swoim partnerem Tomem. W wolnym czasie Danielle jest niezwykle aktywnym sportowcem, który lubi Netball, Gym i ulubioną restaurację Boxing Favorite ndash Smokepit, Northampton. e: saleshendersonconnellanmh. co. uk t: 01858 410400 Abby Bulley Administrator Obsługa klienta po sprzedaży Abby dołączyła do firmy Henderson Connellan w 2018 roku, oferując bogate doświadczenie obsługi klienta. Abby lubi spotykać się z przyjaciółmi i podróżować, a Tajlandia jest jej ulubionym miejscem do tej pory. e: saleshendersonconnellanmh. co. uk t: 01858 410400 Andrew Le Mesurier Property Manager Andrew dołączył do Hendersona Connellana z bogatym doświadczeniem i wiedzą z poprzedniej 12-letniej kariery w zarządzaniu nieruchomościami. Pozytywne nastawienie Andrewrsquosa i naturalnie ciężko pracująca natura sprawiają, że praca z właścicielami i lokatorami sprawia przyjemność. Andrew kocha wiejskie życie z rodziną i zabiera syna do Aeroklubu w Leicester. Ulubiona restauracja ndash Langton Arms. e: saleshendersonconnellanmh. co. uk t: 01858 410400Dear Griffin Families, Ponieważ nadal dbamy o to, aby jakość nauczania i uczenia się zdarzała się każdego dnia dla każdego ucznia, naszym tematem na rok szkolny 2018-2017 pozostaje: Moving Forward: Energy, Engagement, Enrichment i doskonałość. Fairfield Central High School jest przeznaczony do niesamowitych osiągnięć i znaczących kamieni milowych w tym roku szkolnym. Dary i talenty naszych uczniów w połączeniu z oddaniem i pasją naszych nauczycieli pozwalają nam dążyć do doskonałości. Doskonałość nie jest wynikiem dobrej intencji lub sprytnego sloganu. Nie jest to wartość, którą można łatwo osiągnąć. Wynika to z silnej chęci poprawy tego, jak robimy rzeczy, gdy widzimy coś, co możemy zrobić lepiej. Kontynuujemy ciężką pracę, aby zapewnić, że Fairfield Central High School zostanie uznane za szkołę, która przygotowuje uczniów i nauczycieli do osiągnięcia sukcesu. Gdy dążymy do doskonałości, przejdziemy z Dobra do GREAT. Mets Finish Strong, Griffins Mrs. Tracie Swilley Otwarty list dla każdego, kto dba o Ninę Simone I8217m pisząc ten list do każdego, kogo interesuje Nina Simone: jej spuścizna, jej kunszt, ducha, geniusz, muzyka, aktywizm, wszystko. Jeśli w ogóle o tym mówisz, nawet jeśli Nina Simone słyszała tylko kilka jej piosenek, ten list jest dla ciebie. Jeśli jesteś tutaj, czytając to, to dla ciebie. Nie marnowałem czasu na pisanie Cynthii Mort lub Zoe Saldana i wypuszczanie słów w sferę publiczną na szansę, by mogli przekroczyć ścieżki, bo nawet gdyby tak było, słowa nic by dla nich nie znaczyły. To, co tworzą, udowadnia, że ​​te słowa nic nie znaczą, więc po co marnować oddech (lub kran) Nie będą słuchać. Kwestie związane z tym nieautoryzowanym filmem przedstawiającym Ninę Simone, którą równie dobrze możemy nazwać biografią, ponieważ nazywają rzecz Nina skomplikowaną i wielowarstwową. Dyskusje na ten temat są tak złożone, jak budzą kontrowersje, są jednak ważnymi rozmowami, które należy prowadzić. Najbardziej frustrujący ludzie to ci, którzy sugerują, że każdy powinien po prostu się zamknąć i patrzeć i8221 lub 8220 zostawić ich w spokoju.8221 Taka postawa nie jest w duchu Niny Simone. Wręcz przeciwnie. Nina była wokalistką, wyzywającą, wojowniczką, działaczką. Nie po prostu się zamknęła i usiadła. Zjawiłaby się w studiu ze strzelbą, żeby porozmawiać z panią Mort i zrzuciła makijaż z Zoe. Więc pozwólcie, żeby to było proste. Będziemy o tym rozmawiać, a ci z nas silnymi, gorącymi opiniami będą je wyrażać. Nie będziemy milczeć, ponieważ denerwuje tych, którzy nie zgadzają się. Cera Zoe8217s (poziom jej 8220 brackness8221) wzięła na pierwszym miejscu w dyskusji jej cerę, a także jej fenotypy. Będziemy musieli zająć się tym, ponieważ w oczywisty sposób zdominowało to oburzenie przeciwko temu projektowi. Uważam jednak, że ten problem jest produktem ubocznym znacznie większego problemu: całkowitej gentryfikacji Niny Simone. Stało się tak na początku tego filmu, więc nic dziwnego, że scenariusz i casting stały się symbolem fikcji Niny jako osoby i artysty. Scenariusz, napisany przez pisarkę z Ameryki Łacińskiej i pierwszą reżyserię Cynthię Mort, oparty jest na serii kłamstw. To jest nasz punkt wyjścia. Cynthia nazywa to swoją 8220 licencją artystyczną. 8221 Pod tym parasolem Cynthia sugeruje, że może robić, co chce, i nie chce czuć się prawą. Cynthia skupiła swoją historię na związku Nina8217 z jej osobistym asystentem, Cliftonem Hendersonem, który sam jest kontrowersyjnym człowiekiem w życiu Niny8217. Na długo przed śmiercią Nina8217, przed rozmową o filmie, pojawiły się problemy dotyczące intencji Clifton8217 dotyczących Niny i jego wysiłków, aby utrzymać ją w izolacji. Był w pobliżu Niny przez ostatnie kilka lat swojego życia. Można go zobaczyć z nią podczas kręcenia koncertu Niny8217 w Brazylii w 2000 roku, podczas zdjęć Niny przesłuchiwanej w łodzi (vimeoninasimonelivebrazil). Po śmierci Nina8217s Clifton sprzedał swoją historię Cynthii i to stało się podstawą tego filmu. Tak więc, kontrowersyjna relacja osobistego asystenta z Niną Simone przez ostatnie kilka lat jej życia stała się jakoś centralnym punktem pierwszego w historii filmu Niny Simone. Co więcej, ta kontrowersyjna relacja stała się fabularyzowana przez Cynthię Mort, gdy pisała związek jako romantyczną (przypisując Ninie rolę agresora seksualnego i emocjonalnie potrzebującego). Jak już wcześniej wspomniano, ale warto to powtórzyć: Clifton Henderson był gejem. Był gejem. Spotkałem go w Abidżyńskim Baptystycznym Kościele w Harlemie podczas nabożeństwa żałobnego Niny 8217. Nie był heteroseksualnym mężczyzną ani mężczyzną, z którym Nina Simone miała jakiś romantyczny związek. To może być wybaczalna 8220 fiction 8221 dla Cynthii, która się wślizgnie, jeśli nie z powodu tego, ile innych fikcji i pobieleń jest wbudowanych w tę opowieść. Czy Cynthia Mort byłaby zadowolona z tego, że ktoś przepisał jej własną historię do tego stopnia, że ​​jej seksualność stała się banalną niedogodnością? Jest to również pierwszy przypadek skryptu Cynthia8217 wykorzystującego zmarginalizowaną tożsamość poprzez zasadniczo umieszczenie 8220straightface8221 na homoseksualnym mężczyźnie. Jest to dość osobliwe, ponieważ Mort sama jest lesbijką i można by się zastanawiać, jak by ona czuła się przepisana jako heteroseksualna kobieta pod przykrywką kogoś innego. 8222 licencja artystyczna. 8221 Czy Cynthia Mort byłaby zadowolona z kogoś przepisującego jej własną historię do tego stopnia, że ​​jej seksualność staje się banalną niedogodnością, którą chyba ktoś musiałby ją o to zapytać. Nie zawracam sobie głowy. Historia filmu wykorzystuje to kłamstwo jako punkt centralny, w którym wracają do innych momentów życia Niny217, włączając w to inne związki i niektóre muzyczne kariery Nina8217. Pojawi się również wzmianka o aktywizmie obywatelskim Niny8217 i jej 8220początku i upadku.8221 Jak stwierdził Mort, głównym tematem tej opowieści będzie romantyczne życie Nina8217. Chociaż jest to interesująca (jeśli nie minimalizująca) perspektywa do podjęcia, nawet tę perspektywę można było podejść w sposób zgodny z tym, kim była Nina, ale Cynthia Mort zdecydowała się tego nie robić. Opierając się na wszystkich dostępnych wskazówkach możemy z całą pewnością wiedzieć: pierwszy film o Ninie Simone pomija wszystko o Ninie Simone, która uczyniła ją tak bardzo Niną Simone. W jaki sposób, poza fikcyjnymi relacjami, używanymi jako punkt odniesienia i punkt odniesienia dla scenariusza, możemy to poznać. 8211 Cynthia Mort podjęła się, by zgłosić się do historii Niny Simone bez konsultacji z rodziną lub majątkiem Niny8217. W ogóle nie brali udziału w tym procesie. Bez badań, bez sprawdzania faktów, bez podstawowej przyzwoitości, po prostu włączając rodzinę. Pamiętaj: we8217pominamy o kimś8280s matce, o siostrze someone8217s, o rodzinie someone8217s. Jak ktokolwiek z was czułby się, gdyby nakręcono film o waszej matce i nie konsultowano go w żaden sposób, aby film miał legitymację, autorytet lub uczciwość? Poza prostym szacunkiem dla uczuć rodziny, jak Cynthia Mort może napisać poprawny skrypt, odzwierciedla Nina Simone, jeśli nie skonsultowała się z kimkolwiek związanym z dziedzictwem Niny 8217. W przeważającej części ona nie może. (Z osobistego punktu widzenia mogę powiedzieć, że córka Simona, Nina8217, jest brutalnie szczera, wnikliwa i obiektywna w stosunku do swojej matki, nie uwielbia matki, ale chce, by ją uznano za jej osiągnięcia.) Dwie 8211 Cynthia Mort to nie czarna kobieta . To bardzo ważna kwestia. Jestem białym człowiekiem. Wiem, że jako biały człowiek nie mam autorytetu, by mówić o czarnych doświadczeniach, ponieważ to nie jest moje doświadczenie. Nie mogę i nie będę przemawiał dla czarnych ludzi, ani zakładać, że znają zawiłości rasizmu, jakich doświadczają czarni. Przywilej i arogancja do tego powodu są niepokojące i wręcz obrzydliwe. Jak Cynthia Mort, którą niektórzy nazywają białą kobietą, choć kłócę się przede wszystkim z Latynoamerykańskimi Amerykanami, usprawiedliwia to, że ona sama drga umysł. Chociaż może uważać się za fankę lub wielbicielkę Niny Simone, jak ona robi skok, by dać sobie prawo do decydowania, która wersja życia Nina8217 jest warta opowiedzenia (lub fikcjonalizacji) i wole, aby zdecydować, kto powinien przedstawiać Ninę w filmie Nie potrafię zrozumieć, o czym może myśleć Cynthia Mort, bo arogancja w jej imieniu jest przerażająca i wiem, że nie skorzystałbym z takich swobód. Nie lekceważyłbym całkowicie odczuć populacji, której doświadczenia nie dzielę, a zatem nie mogę mówić z autorytetem. Innymi słowy, wiemy, że Nina Simone zostaje pominięta w tym projekcie, ponieważ jest fabularyzowana przez kogoś o dobrych intencjach, którzy mogliby myśleć, że identyfikuje się z podmiotem, ale który nie może zrównać się z doświadczeniem, ponieważ nie przeżywała tego doświadczenia. Nie uznanie przez nią tego faktu i brak poszukiwania danych jest dowodem, że tak nie jest i dosłownie nie może zrozumieć krytyki i protestów pochodzących od tak wielu osób dotyczących tej farsy filmu. Cynthia Mort zgłosiła tożsamość Niny Simone8217, nie zważając jednak na ludzi, którym Nina poświęciła całe swoje życie na próbę osiągnięcia, przemówienia i beznamiętności. Cynthia Mort zgłosiła tożsamość Niny Simone8217 pod przykrywką 8220 licencji artystycznej 8221, aby mogła odbudować Ninę w taki sposób, aby opowiedzieć historię, którą chce opowiedzieć Cynthia Mort, a nie tylko opowiadać historię Niny Simone. Robi to, aby sprzedać fabułę jak najszerszemu gronu odbiorców i osiągnąć największy zwrot z inwestycji w produkcję filmową. Biorąc pod uwagę to, co jest w to zaangażowane i co wchodzi w grę, taka właśnie jest definicja gentryfikacji. Ludzie muszą się obudzić: Nina Simone została gentryfikowana. Który prowadzi nas do8230 Trzy 8211 Jeśli scenariusz i filmowiec oraz ktokolwiek za filmem byliby zainteresowani opowiedzeniem historii NINY SIMONE, cała ta sprawa byłaby inna niż na początku i nie musielibyśmy patrzeć na to, co teraz zmuszeni jesteśmy szukać w. Nie byłoby takiego oburzenia i nie byłoby tak dużo wstrętu, gniewu, bólu i zawodu. Nie popełniajcie błędu, serca przebijają to. Nina Simone jest dla wielu cholernie religijną postacią, kulturalną ikoną dla innych. Nie może (i nie powinna) być trywializowana, spychana na margines lub przekształcana w towar z Hollywood. A ponieważ tak się stało, doszliśmy do obsady Zoe Saldana. Dyskusje o tym, że Zoe jest lub nie jest wystarczająco inteligentna 8221, są najbardziej rozpalone i najbardziej rozpowszechnione. Rozumiem to, ale myślę, że dotyczy tylko symptomu tego, co się stało, a nie samej gentryfikacji tożsamości Nina8217. Twierdziłbym, że gdyby scenariusz dokładnie odzwierciedlił Ninę Simone prawdziwą, bardzo realną, bardzo surową Ninę, projekt ten miałby zupełnie inny kierunek i nie musielibyśmy patrzeć na Zoe Saldana w czarną (er) twarz i protetykę. Gdyby opowiadali prawdziwą historię Niny Simone, Zoe nie zakończyłaby tej roli, w której nie mogłaby znaleźć się w tej roli. Wyobraź sobie, że opowiesz historię Niny Simone jako ciemnoskórej małej dziewczynki o cechach i fenotypie afrykańskim (jej włosy, nos, usta itp.). Wyobraź sobie, że to jest temat opowieści, którą opowiadamy. Trudno to sobie wyobrazić, ponieważ to jest historia NINY SIMONE. Każdy, kto wie coś o Ninie Simone, zna przejawy swojej rasy, jej cechy, jej płeć i osobowość, ściera się z normami społecznymi w taki sposób, że walczyła z nimi przez całe swoje życie i ukształtowała jej ducha i karierę. Nie trudno wyobrazić sobie opowiadanie jej historii wykorzystującej tę walkę jako punkt odniesienia, ponieważ była to Nina Simone. Biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że skupiono się na ogniu Niny 8217 w walce z pięknymi ciemnoskórymi i szeroko rozstawionymi czarnoskórymi kobietami, jak na świecie mogli rzucić Zoe Saldana, tylko po to, by przyciemnić ją i poszerzyć nos. Czy możecie sobie wyobrazić, że Zoe wszystko wymyśliła? Tak jak kiedyś, grając na dużym ekranie, grając i śpiewając o tym, że Nina jest marginalizowana z powodu rasizmu, kolorystyki i jej wyglądu. Czy potrafisz sobie wyobrazić, ile z parodii się zmieni, kiedy widzowie usiądą i wiedzą, jak Zoe faktycznie wygląd staje się tak zdezorientowany przez obłudne wysiłki, które zostały podjęte, aby Zoe wyglądała jak Nina, gdyby stała się nieprzezwyciężonym odwróceniem uwagi od rzeczywistej historii Czy miałoby to jakiś sens Czyżby poinformowana publiczność nie zastanawiała się, dlaczego Zoe kiedykolwiek dostała tę rolę na pierwszym miejscu, ponieważ to sprzeczne z całą naturą filmu z całą naturą życia Nina8217 i nie wyczuliby hipokryzji. Znowu, czy miałoby to ŻADNĄ sens? Nie, to nie byłoby. I gdyby to była opowieść, którą opowiadali (znowu, faktyczna historia Niny Simone), Zoe Saldana nigdy nie zostałaby rzucona w pierwszej kolejności z tego właśnie powodu. Skąd to wiemy? Ponieważ rozpoznanie prawdziwej Niny Simone i opowiedzenie jej prawdziwej historii oznacza, że ​​jesteś świadomy tego, co Nina walczyła z całym swoim życiem i co ją rozgoryczało. Będziesz świadomy tego, jak została wykorzystana, zmarginalizowana, zlekceważona, zignorowana, nierespektowana, a więc nie robiłbyś tego przez cały proces nakręcenia filmu o niej. Oznacza to, że nie używałbyś tych samych podstaw rasizmu i kolorystyki, żeby pisać i rzucać swój film. Niektórzy twierdzą, że ktokolwiek przeciw Zoe przedstawiający Ninę Simone za to, że nie jest wystarczająco dużo, w rzeczywistości są rasistami. (Zoe zgodziła się nawet z kimś, kto nazwał to 8220 rasistowskim rasizmem.8221) Nie. Nie, nie, nie. NIE Jest to podobne do osoby homofobicznej, która twierdzi, że ludzie nie tolerują homofobii. Poza tym całkowicie pomija to. Samo rzucanie Zoe oparte było na wciąż obecnych subtelnościach rasizmu, kolorystyki i standardów urody. Samo rzucanie Zoe opierało się na wciąż obecnych subtelnościach rasizmu, kolorystyki i standardów urody. Fakt, że Zoe otrzymała zaproszenie do roli (która może mieć sens, biorąc pod uwagę, że ona i Cynthia Mort są latynoamerykańskimi), wskazuje na ten sam system, który Nina walczyła przez całe życie. Pokazuje, że cały film został wprowadzony w błąd od samego początku, a licencja 8222art8221 jest niczym więcej niż plusem w obliczu spuścizny Nina8217. I would also argue this8230 People who say that Zoe8217s complexion and features shouldn8217t matter are ignoring the fact that they are going to such lengths to darken her skin and change her features, thereby proving those things DO matter. Since Zoe was approached for this film, it might make you wonder why she was ever approached in the first place. Given the history of Nina Simone: her pride in being a dark skinned woman with her features while lamenting treatment based on skin tone (give Four Women a listen), plus her desire to inspire younger women with similar features 8211 why was Zoe ever approached in the first place They8217re not actually making a movie about the real Nina Simone Oh, that8217s right, because of Cynthia Mort8217s 8220artistic license8221 and the fact that they8217re not actually making a movie about the real Nina Simone and what made Nina Simone oh so very Nina Simone. We8217re not going to stop this movie from happening, and people will continue to claim there8217s nothing wrong with it or we should wait and see or we should just stop all the complaining. Nina recognized injustice, and Nina never shut up. So should we, and neither should we. website content manager for ninasimone October 29, 2017 at 5:31 PM As a huge fan of Nina Simone, and also as a female filmmaker, I have to ask if the outrage expressed here is appropriate, really Artists have creative license when living in the free world. Calling then arrogant etc is also your right 8211 but really, this assault on the filmmakers and people involved is so full of venom. To suggest that a latin american woman who is presumably trained in the art of story telling is INCAPABLE of writing about a black woman is insane. Writers of all creeds and colours, if they8217re good story tellers, can write great stories about all kinds of people. This isn8217t determined by their own race or creed, but by their abilities as story tellers. It8217s obvious that this film isn8217t about 8221 the real nina simone8221 but the great thing is, if you don8217t like that, then get out there, and make the film that is. Nobody is stopping you, and nobody should stop Saldana or Cynthia Mort, even if they screw things up royally. I just think of nina singing 8221 how it feels to be free8217, and holy bananas, this article sure seems like a scathing attempt to hamper the artistic freedom of people whose artistic choices we don8217t agree with. I emphatically feel that if you don8217t like what8217s out there, go out and do better8230. don8217t push venom and scorn into the world. if you8217re a dark-skinned woman and you feel this is wrong and you should tell the story, then tell the story. However, is it really an injustice that somebody is telling a story their way really and if you really think it is, then make your own justice by doing it better. Will I see this film as a fan of Nina Simone, knowing even about her daughter8217s disapproval of it I8217m not sure yet 8211 time, trailers, clips 8211 will tell. But ultimately, be free, not angr. and if you are angry, as Nina so often rightly was, sing. Don8217t spit venom. just sing, make better art, better films, better music. It8217s hard enough for women writers to make films in Hollywood. I8217d rather stand by them, even I disagree and think I can do it better, than try and shoot them down. October 31, 2017 at 7:01 AM Nikki, thanks for your input and no thanks for your conclusions. There are times when you have to stick to the details to place an emphasis on the times and place8230Zoe as a light-skinned black woman in black face reveals the fallacy of just artistic license8230I can assure you that I won8217t see the film, I am even of the mind to protest it vehemently because it fails to meet even certain standards about Nina Simone8230someone who I have followed since my early childhood8230more than 50 years. So yeah, save that line for those who are not changing the truth about Nina Simone and you8217ll get my vote on artistic license8230 otherwise, must I ignore the truth and let a lie stand I didn8217t think you would agree to that, now would you. October 31, 2017 at 9:55 AM oh nikki8230 your argument is what made movies like 8220birth of a nation8221 possible. beside artistic license there is such a thing as artistic integrity. shame on you for not knowing that. same on you for not at least mentioning it if you do know that integrity exists. you are out of place here, young woman. spokenasagrandmother April 26, 2017 at 10:39 AM Well said. I support artistic impression 100. I do not support lies. If we tell the true story of the great Nina Simone. we must present a film wrothedwith integrity bbecause it is what she exemplified. I am 40 and I am familiar with her trials and tribulations as an African Queen: anything that depicts her true story is not a project that I support. October 31, 2017 at 10:03 AM But this is a real person. That is the point. October 31, 2017 at 9:54 PM The problem with your argument is that you do a 8216people8217 a disservice when you mistell their stories. Supposed I, a black woman filmmaker wanted to do 8220Schindler8217s List8221 or if a Muslim wanted to do 8220Passion of the Christ8221. Artistic license, give me a break It8217s more like making a name for yourself at the expense of the people who loved her. It8217s just plain miseducation. Mort got it wrong Why drag one of our musical idols through the mud creating a story that never happened I hate when other 8216type8217 folks try to tell our stories. They really screw up. Then the public thinks that what they8217ve seen is true and will act upon that mis-information. THey will argue with you insisting that they know what they are talking about because it was in a movie. THIS IS THE ACHETYPAL DESTRUCTION OF CIVILIZATION THAT AMERICANS LOVE TO LEVY ON THE PEOPLE They don8217t care how they wreck history. But they if want to tell a Great American STory starring one of America8217s white heroes, would they get a woman to tell it Further would they get a lesbian to tell it HELL NO They wouldn8217t. Imagine Cynthia Mort telling the life story of John Wayne. The people wouldn8217t stand for it They just love disempowering the real fighter8217s for truth amp justice. Saldana probably never fought, protested or marched a day of life. What arrogance on both Mort and Saldana8217s part. I won8217t go see it. There are black women filmakers who could pull this off. Where are they I know, Hollywood has closed the door on us. I was there I sat in on the meetings. Seven black women filmmakers told us how via of their personal stories. Seems we have to be lesbian and sleeping in their beds. But not the new ones because they are gay. And then on top of that we have to tell the stories THEY want us to tell. See they are afraid of giving black women the power to tell our own stories. Theyve been that way since they came down from the caucasus mountains over 6000 years ago. November 1, 2017 at 12:58 AM Maria White replied: Artistic license I would think, would have some standards as oppose to being some silly meaningless catch all phrase. KKK loves to defend its verbal discourse as freedom of speech when most sane individuals would agree it would be better suited labeled as anal discharge. In other words an acceptable artist doesn8217t need to pimp a value intended for greater good and then attempt to defend it by saying 8220Ohhhhhhhh, woe is me, don8217t be so judgmental8221. Curious: would you be okay with something immoral so long as its not illegal or something illegal so long as its not immoral. Plenty of folks have standards and feel the need to draw the line somewhere, try to be less harsh yourself next to someone simply expressing where they draw the line. Please and thanks November 2, 2017 at 11:27 AM Linda PAUPST replied: So wisely amp beautifully said Passionate about Nina8217s music. November 2, 2017 at 11:31 AM Linda PAUPST replied: Unable to edit my previous comment 8230 Which referred to NIKKI8217s wise amp beautiful response. November 2, 2017 at 12:27 PM Nikki if there are no real facts to this story how can it even be called a Ninna Simone story. I allso know it is hard on black actors in Hollywood, this to me proves this one will do anything for the money. I think it was Robert Townsen(unsure of spelling) called it the Hollywod Shuffle. November 2, 2017 at 1:07 PM I just went to her facebook page. I did not know this is a Latin Actress playing a Black American. Latin Cinema is big and very good it just is not American Cinema. I REALLY GET THAT SHE DOES NOT GET THE COLOR ISSUE when the darkest person on her FACEBOOK page is 50Cent on a Promo shot. The truth is it is not just your color color is just a part of the issue. And I believe she is very talented but the problemis was the not another girl closer to the truth that5 does not look like what the8221typical white ideal woman of color8221 just enough to say she has some. Features that can be found all over europe. Poor baby does not know she has priviledges. November 2, 2017 at 2:24 PM Inca Quesada Bayona replied: Puedes contar todas las historias que quieras libremente, inventar, crear8230, eso es una cosa, otra muy distinta es falsear y manipular la historia de alguien que ha vivido en este mundo y que es conocida. Eso se llama FALSO TESTIMONIO y es un delito. Yo tambin soy artista de otro genero y tengo claro que el respeto a la verdad en cualquier aspecto de la vida y dentro de cualquier actividad artstica, es fundamental. Que alguien defienda la verdad sobre la vida de Nina Simone, no significa que tenga veneno, est en su derecho de reivindicar que no se haga una pelcula tan falsa y manipuladora que ofende la dignidad de una artista, de una persona y de una mujer de la talla de Nina Simone. NO TODO EST PERMITIDO, NO DEBE ESTARLO, LA LIBERTAD CREATIVA ES OTRA COSA, NO NOS TOME POR IGNORANTES. EL VENENO LO TIENEN LOS CORRUPTOS QUE NO RESPETAN LA VERDAD Y LOS QUE LOS DEFIENDEN. November 12, 2017 at 6:49 AM Lies are poison replied: Lies are like poison no matter if its a little or a lot. We know the purpose of poison is to kill. Artistic freedom that puts for lies instead of the truth is brainwashing. If its a biography go for the truth8230its about artistic control name the film something else and the character must have another name too. Thank you for standing up and letting the world know that brainwashing should not be allowed when depicting the lives of others (famous and not famous). November 5, 2017 at 2:05 AM Sat-Nam..You8217d 8220rather stand by them8221 :-that continue to 8216Lynch82178217Assassinate82178230ANCE8217STARS8217 of Mine, OF WHOM NINA SIMONE IS A PROMINENT ONE THAT I KNEW PERSONALLY, amp LOVE DEARLYOf Course, I would Spit 8216SIN8217thia MORT8217sDeath8217s 8216Venom8217 right back at herIf she is such a 8216Wicked8217Story - teller, her 8216nina8217 8216film8217 ought to be about another 8216killer8217 8216story8217-teller8217Columbus8217,his Ships:-8220Nina8221,Pinta amp Santa MariagtgtMADam 8216MORT should have a glorious time trying to 8216fictionalize8217 the Satanic Slaughter of 8216South American8217 8216Natives8217 by Cristobal Colon amp his bunch of Murderers amp ThievesThen see the 8216Latin8217 approval ratings for that 8216artistic freedom8217.WAKE UP 8220R. E.S. P.E. C.T.8221 NINA SIMONE, HER FAMILY amp EXTENDED-FAMILY ASE-O November 8, 2017 at 1:29 PM JoJos Girl replied: So very well said Nikki. Thank you for bringing some positivity to this forum8230Nina would be proud I hope Saldana rocks as Nina amp proves the naysayers wrong. October 29, 2017 at 5:32 PM Rick Kappler says: Sounds like someone is after 8220consultant fees8221. It8217s funny how money makes the world go 8217round, or lack thereof. October 29, 2017 at 5:33 PM Brian Williams says: I have had the pleasure of being a fan of Nina and seeing her perform. She stood for Justice and equality, she made that very clear without apology. I have followed her career from the time that I was 11 years old in 1971. At know time was it a question about Nina, She has always been an open book. I was concerned about a movie being made and how she may be depicted. I am waiting in hopes that her Justice will be fair8230 Thank you for this information. I have always taught my children to seek the truth and not just follow the crowd. That8217s why it is called, His-Story, it doesn8217t mean it8217s the True Story. He Who Owns The Camera, Makes The Movies8230 October 29, 2017 at 5:33 PM Ever heard of the African diaspora October 29, 2017 at 5:33 PM Simone Pratt says: Amazing. Simply amazing and poignent POV on my namesake. October 29, 2017 at 10:58 PM artistic licence. sounds very much like commercial-ability above content 8230 sadly in true style of such choices by disregarding the real issues 8230 gender. race. art. politics 8230 the real beauty and poetry itself. 8230 so of course totally missing the whole point on nina simone 8230 almost curious on what a comedy of errors it could be created there. but really and truly depressing to think this is happening. I8217m a white gay film maker and Can8217t think of anything more absurd than a gay director making a film about nina simone tailored for the average straight (possibly white) man 8230 come on Chyntia Mort get to the soul of it and honour it. have a good listen to nina herself October 29, 2017 at 5:34 PM Stuart Swain says: Thank You for such an informative article. I was so excited to learn that there was going to be a movie about Nina. Then I learned who was going to play Nina and it gave me pause. I have nothing against Miss Saldana personally. but I completely agree that the casting was wrong. I have never ever in my life been moved how I was moved when I first heard a Nina Simone song. I support you 100 percent. Please let me know anything I can do or contribute or spread the word. Hopefully the true movie can be made. Spike Lee comes to mind as someone that can tell the true real story. October 30, 2017 at 7:30 PM Swain, I agree. Spike would do it the just way Not only doesn8217t Zoe look like her, she8217s not even musical8230lacks soul depth. They could have stuck wit8217 Mary J for all of this. October 29, 2017 at 5:34 PM kendall miller says: October 29, 2017 at 5:51 PM kendall miller replied: what this shows, is egotistical self entitlement. hollywood seeing human beings as 8220material8221 for their 8220art8221. objectification of our spirits and zoe is right on that bandwagon, obviously. she most likely hasnt given one thought to the truth of ms. simone. she doesnt care. she just sees this as a good 8220part8221 that she can 8220play8221 bc she is shallow. what can be done, is that this film can be boycotted. and it should be. all that you have written, is true. it is falling on deaf ears as directed to the writer, producer and the actors, bc they dont care. again, they are 8216stars8217. i. e. above the fray, with more vision and clarity than mere humans could ever have. this is what they think. and zoe, in her extreme youth, and in her materialistic misguided spirit, has sold out. she has bought into the hype of her profession. this is so much more than how can a light skin woman play a dark skin woman. its about how any woman, can bastardize another womans life, take the pieces that they chose, and paint an entirely different picture for selfish gain. how can any 8216artist8217 do that to another and how full of herself is zoe, that she thinks anything in her lifetime has prepared her for this. there is absolutely no way, that this will succeed. ms simone transcends this entire situation. i do understand that it is not even a choice to put this information out there..for you and her family and especially her daughter8230you must. but please know, ms simones spirit remains untouched, unscathed, and no one who loves her music and her struggle will ever ever buy into this charade. i hope in some way that offers a small bit of peace. October 29, 2017 at 5:39 PM I8217ve listened to Nina all of my lifetime. She was and continues to be an inspiration to me and to millions of people who know her story and appreciate her artistry. There comes a time when being authentic really matters. Anyone who approaches telling the story of Nina Simone needs to recognize that there is no room for a version that is not true to her as a woman period. I have kept up with the developments surrounding the casting of this movie and it is already started out on the wrong side of the story. Nina deserves to be totally respected. This is not the way to show her love or respect. October 29, 2017 at 5:43 PM Carol Burns says: Hi Aaron, and thank you for expressing your true feelings about the woman I adore because of her genius and personal character and integrity. What lead me to know Ms. Nina Simone is her song 8220I love you porgy8221 then after that I was hooked searching and finding more of her jewels Ne me quitte pas, Strange Fruit etc8230 After being expired by her boldness for truth and equal fairness for dark skinnedwoman of color. As a poet I fell in love with what she stood for and understand the out cry from her family for this cheap water downed attempt to put a non cultured woman to be cast as Nina. If anything Kimberly Elise, should have been cast. There is no way they can insult those who knew Nina8217s legacy with Zoe, and Cynthia not contacting the family is just disrespectful and the norm for white woman who think they know us or what we are about. I pray the family brings a civil suit against het to own the rights to Nina8217s legacy. October 29, 2017 at 5:46 PM I have created a name for a new group of people: 8216The people who are against almost everything8217 Whatever surfaces in whichever realm there are always people against it, whatever IT is. Industry people put their money up to make a product to sell to customers. 8216NINA8217 is one such enterprise. You don8217t like it, don8217t buy it. You want a betterdifferent story Put up your own money. There have been stories about many performers: Johnny Lennon, Jimmy Morrison, Bobby Dylan and etc. Most are dramatic interpretations, some take artistic license, some are good some are bad some are so so. October 31, 2017 at 7:07 AM Mr. Tucker, somethings are not just about the money. I see you8217re sold to the highest bidder. How does your silver spend selling the soul of Nina Simone Take a hike8230(and I8217m being nice about it). November 1, 2017 at 1:10 AM Maria White replied: Amen. Someone let this man speak and be heard. I am a young dark-skinned 5 ft female with little tech skills, however there IS hope I can hold dear. I would absolutely love to pay the role of Steve Jobs when that film is being made October 29, 2017 at 5:48 PM I8217ll start of with I am white and feel Miss Simone was one of the most truely beautiful woman she embraced her race and herself in a way few woman have the courage. I was introduced to Nina8217s music because of a movie but if I were to picture a currant actress playing a real portrayal of Miss Simone it would be someone like Natalie Cole or Jennifer Hudson depending on how young8230 but never Zoe8230 there just aren8217t words to express the blasphemy. October 29, 2017 at 5:54 PM Desiree Samone says: This was AMAZING8230and I thank you for it8230You spoke what others couldn8217t quite get out with out sounding bitter8230Applauding you. October 29, 2017 at 6:01 PM Carolyn Davis says: I totally agree with your commentary. When I first read that Zoe Saldana way playing Nina Simon I just couldnt believe it and I know its not right but I already made my mine up before I even see the picture that its not going to be good. I have absolutely nothing against Zoe but there are so many black artists that could have portrayed Nina Simon so well. The first person that comes to mind is the artist India Arie, she has Nina essence, I can name about half a dozen. Yes, Nina Simon is a religious figure to me so I would like to see her story told but with thought and consideration. The first time I heard Nina was around 1963 and I still listen to her regularly. I have turned so many people on to her music and they love it, I hope they treat he well. October 31, 2017 at 3:40 PM I totally agree, India has the essence of Nina. I wonder if they even bothered to get input from her daughter, Simone. October 29, 2017 at 6:04 PM 82308221She wouldve shown up at the studio with a shotgun to speak with Ms. Mort and slapped the makeup off Zoe.8221 indeed8230 October 29, 2017 at 6:06 PM Ryan McKay says: As with the recent amp rediculous attempt to cash in on Tim amp Jeff Buckely with the Greetings pic hollywood once again reduces our heroes to no more than characters from Friends or any other shite amp shallow entertainment show. easily digestible two dimensional cutouts to entertain the masses whilst they consume their mcdonalds amp zoloft. what8217s next, the dick from the eclipse movies playing Levon Helm in a DylanBand feature. oh no, it is. October 29, 2017 at 6:24 PM George Frankson says: I8217ve only know Nina8217s music for a few short years (my parents have exposed me to some life-changing music) so I was not aware of her intense spirit and compassion. Though it does not surprise me to hear that she constantly had to battle with how her race and appearance were perceived in popular culture. Such issues of racism still exist in today8217s media (film, tv, music, etc.), the idea that things have improved is a fallacy. I greatly admire her revolutionary and vocal way of living in the world despite all the roadblocks she met with. It takes a lot of zeal to stand up for what you believe in and make such an indelible mark on history. I recently saw pictures of Zoe Saldana in full make-up and wardrobe. It immediately came to my mind that this is just an attempt at repeating the 8220Monster8221 formula (Charlize Theron went through a so-called 8220stunning8221 transformation for her role). Zoe Saldana sits in a make-up chair for an hour or two and she has a guaranteed award nomination. So backwards and warped, how could we not take notice if so many of us loved and still love Nina and all she sang and stood for November 8, 2017 at 11:44 AM I8217m reading what you said about the Oscar for 8220stunning transformation8221 make up8230.please lol She looks nothing like Nina Simone. As one of my little co workers stated8230She look like she just ran through a burning building. LOL. nothing like Nina Simone. Racism runs very deep in Hollywood. Back in the day8230Zoe8217s 8220blackface8221 would have been called 8220blackface8221. Charilize didn8217t change her skin color, put on a fake nose, teeth, and hair. Clear difference. But, I wouldn8217t be surprised. I just think this movie will go straight to video. anyway. October 29, 2017 at 6:29 PM They can make whatever movie they want. I don8217t believe in blasphemy in the religious sense nor in the arts. If I want to play Beethoven8217s 5th symphony on a kazoo, it might suck, but I have the right to do what I want with Beethoven. November 8, 2017 at 11:53 AM Playing a kazoo8230and depicting a real life persons too different things. It really should be illegal for people to 8220creatively8221 make up stories about people. The stupid part is Nina Simone was a stand up Momi8230so everything she felt8230she spoke it. We will all recognize the lies. So, why tell them. All of this is flat out racism. But, Hey8230I would love to create the Dean Martin story. I8217m gonna have him screwin all his black maids8230and I think I8217ll give him three different black baby mommas. Of course he once slept with his black drummer(male)8230telling the 8220gay8221 story is so hot right now. And then I8217ll reveal how he is Etta James first borns baby daddy. Sony, Paramount8230I8217m gonna need backing. October 29, 2017 at 6:44 PM Alanna Harris says: Well said, thank you October 29, 2017 at 6:56 PM As an actress, I am disappointed in Zoe8217s disinterest in her art If she were truly dedicated to the process and success of this project she would have not only observed but would have sought truth through research. She would have reached out to Ms. Simone8217s family, friends, and even her fans. She would try her best to dive into this woman8217s heart and soul and motives in order to understand her actions, beliefs, and human experience I was once a fan of Zoe but truth be told the selfishness, carelessness, and sloppiness in the way she treats her craft has turned me off forever. The vanity and shallowness of this whole thing is disgusting. All of them should be ashamed. October 29, 2017 at 7:34 PM I was immediately reminded of Diana Ross portraying Billie Holiday in 8220Lady Sings the Blues,8221 1972. I was born in 1971, in a house that idolized Ms. Ross. So, I grew up believing the caricature Ms. Ross portrayed on screen was the actual Billie Holiday. Once I was old enough to get a listen to Billie8217s actual material, I knew retrospectively that Ms. Ross could never portray the woman behind the deep sonatas that I grew to love. To think, at first, I didn8217t appreciate Billie8217s music because she didn8217t sound like Diana Ross Herein is the danger of someone like Saldana portraying an icon such as Nina Simone it will confuse the future generations and completely whitewash, pun intended, her legacy. To date, no other narrative film has been made about Billie Holiday, so all we have on record is Motown8217s self-serving offering (Berry Gordy said that the film was a vehicle to launch the career of Diana Ross, actress). After reading so many books about Holiday, including recollections of fellow musicians, it infuriates me that so many great things, good and bad, happened in real life that could have been used in the film, but were not Hollywoodesque enough. As a filmmaker, I hope to one day make the actual film of the real Billie Holiday, and am absolutely disgusted that this new farce, which, like 8220Lady Sings the Blues,8221 could never capture the true genius from the outset, is being made. October 30, 2017 at 10:43 AM Anthony Jones replied: I agree with you here in one respect. It8217s true that we8217ve gone from a society where the art begins to cloesly reflect reality to one where the art actually becomes the reality for many. As a result, people who look to art for actual biography are misinformed, even delusioned. Someone like Nina can never actually be portrayed. A 2 hour piece of art can never capture the essence of her life experience or her journey. Do you think Will Smith captured the essence of Ali A dark-skinned Denzel Washington totally trivialized the freckled white complexion of Malcolm X, in my opinion a central aspect of his identity. But what I do know is alot of people started reading about Malcolm. Large crowds of people went to Nation of islam lectures. Young people bought the caps, wore the X, and became educated about the religion and politics. In today8217s hyper electronic times, people can defend themselves against the 8220farse8221 in a few seconds using their keyboard. After the release of the film, people will come to this site and see photos of the real Nina, hear narratives, and balance out what they got from the film. What the film will do if it8217s done right is raise awareness of the artist and her story. All people got from Ali is what they were supposed to: Ali was the greatest of all time. The hip hop kids and the hipsters will take from the film that this is someone to explore. If the art needs a farsical interpretation (skinny ass Will Smith playing Ali black Denzel playing white freckled X, Diana Ross) to tell the story because we all have phenotypical, racist, or whatever issues, so be it. It8217s their interpretation. People will go look for information, not assume the film is a biography. Finally, and most importantly, Lady Sings the Blues, Ali, and X all have one thing in common despite their shortcomings: They were GOOD MOVIES I think this has more to do with our issues as African Americans than it does with the film maker. Peace. October 30, 2017 at 9:59 PM Anthony, I8217m not sure if you have just read the article. The issue is not all about her looks, but Nina Simone was someone whos career was affected by her phsical appearance 8211 her large features, her dark skin, etc. So for them to cast someone who 8216is8217 the 8216standard8217 of beauty 8211 someone who the industry would have thought Nina was inferior to is a disgrace to Nina8217s memory. But it8217s not only about physical appearance, it8217s about not consulting with Nina8217s family (those who knew her best) regarding the movie. It8217s about the writer taking on a project from a man who she had a controversial relationship with. This whole thing doesn8217t feel right to me and the fact that there has been so much backlash regarding this movie is a reflection of the injustice that many people feel to the memory of this phenomenal woman. November 8, 2017 at 12:11 PM Your comments8230are ridiculous and offensive. Malcom and the 8220white freckle face8221 lmao Who knew. Excuse you, but Malcolm was a black man8230and so is Denzel Washington. Billie Holiday was a black woman8230and so is Diana Ross. We all get a person8217s entire story can not be told in two hours. X was a three hour film. Let8217s start there. Secondly, You also need to remember the years these movies were made in and in this country8230certain things probably would not have made the movie8230since studio executives have to greenlight a story. And those people usually look nothing like us. So, in your attempt to make a point8230next time please consider ALL the facts. I don8217t have a issue with light or dark African Americans playing other light or dark AA8217s. There are things that connect us and our stories. PERIOD If you don8217t understand that8230then it8217s not for you to understand. Malcolm white skin8230LMAO what October 29, 2017 at 8:03 PM Thank you so much for speaking out. This entire ordeal is very disrespectful to the amazing Nina Simone and her family. I don8217t know a single person who is going to see this. October 29, 2017 at 10:15 PM I8217m hoping her daughter takes some artistic license. amp u are probably right. Nina was unique. Maybe some dialogue from a friend or family with Cynthia 8211 might engage a different outcome. October 29, 2017 at 11:02 PM artistic licence. sounds very much like commercial-ability above content sadly in true style of such choices by disregarding the real issues gender. race. art. politics the real beauty and poetry itself. so of course totally missing the whole point on nina simone almost curious on what a comedy of errors it could be created there. but really and truly depressing to think this is happening. Im a white gay film maker and Cant think of anything more absurd than a gay director making a film about nina simone tailored for the average straight (possibly white) man come on Chyntia Mort get to the soul of it and honour it. have a good listen to nina herself October 29, 2017 at 11:39 PM Ana Flores says: If we do not agree with what the movie is all about, let8217s boycot the blooming thing and it will be a flop October 30, 2017 at 12:00 AM This Cynthia woman is CRAZY clearly October 30, 2017 at 1:15 AM If Franklin says: THANK YOU Nuff Said October 30, 2017 at 1:48 AM Kinda like a movie about a historical Jewish figure where the actor is made up with prosthetics and a long hook-nose It8217s INSULTING. What8217s not to get October 30, 2017 at 2:21 AM Sorry about not being agree about this 8220Open letter82218230 If things was done on the right Way, today we will be talking about this movie like an episode of Nina8217s Life because The Real Movie 8220NIA8221 be done today, and that not the case8230 My point is that the Estate or who ever control Nina rights are taking too long, so is normal people are taking advantage books are already out and etc8230 Because Nina knew a lot of people and got extraordinary stories, I lived over 7 years beside her and i can tell you about it8230 Now to write bad stuff about Mr henderson, not agree at all, he did good things and bad ones probably, but saying ugly stuff about him doesn8217t make helps the cause and Nina will never approve it and if not watch video, me either. He is part of Nina8217s life, like it or not, probably no the most important part8230 But is part of8230 and you know each part of Nina always been 8220crucial8221 in her life story. I Think is time to put energies together to make the Official one8230 forget about what others are doing8230 don8217t waste time amp energy or it will happen like the Jimi Hendrix case by the time you decide to do something, be too late8230 To do not make any understood, My critic wants be constructive and be seen on the right way8230 I was present beside Nina until her last breath8230 Never said anything on press sense then because i fill like Guardian of her memory8230 Today a choose to write you because i feel that things are not going on the right way. Hope nobody get upset with my words just want to show the direccin we should take. Thanks, sorry for my english PS. Nina did love Whoopy Goldberg October 30, 2017 at 5:39 AM I totally agree. Well said and written, thank you. October 30, 2017 at 8:06 AM MONEY TALKS NOT OPEN LETTERS. I am totally against this project but fans of Nina Simone need to stop hoping that this film will stop production cause IT WON8217T Instead of all the pleading lets start SPREADING THE WORD ABOUT BOYCOTTING THE FILM MONEY TALKS And the ONLY way Hollywood will listen is if the FILM BOMBS at the Box Office HOLLYWOOD does not CARE about authenticity, ethics or moral obligations. ITS ABOUT MONEY. So PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR APPEAL is and DO NOT GO SEE THE FILM. IN FACT, if your curiosity gets the best of you WATCH IT ONLINE Get the Bootleg but WHATEVER YOU DO8211 DO NOT PAY TO GO SEE THIS FILM OR HOLLYWOOD WILL SAY 8220YOU SEE, WE WERE RIGHT IN CASTING SALDANA8221 October 30, 2017 at 8:24 AM i hope nina simone8217s estate wont release music rights so the movie will FAIL. Just like how no Jimi hendrix biopic will prevail with Jimi8217s music unless the estate approves it. Zoe, I am so disappointed in you. If you respected art and Nina you wouldnt be doing this movie. I hope this movie fails miserably. October 30, 2017 at 8:25 AM Had Zoe acknowledged that she8217s not the one most of us had in mind, but would do her very best to bring Nina Simone to life, she would8217ve soothed a lot of ache. Instead, she chooses to white like a petulant brat about 8220reverse racism,8221 ignoring the fact that racism is what got her this role in the first place. Imagine if Halle Berry had won this role. We8217d all be as aghast, I8217m sure, but Halle would8217ve handled this with way more respect. Halle actually 8220gets it,8221 so to speak. Zoe does not 8211 and for that reason, she cannot and should not play Nina Simone. October 30, 2017 at 8:44 AM 8230 While Aaron says they have no plans to attempt shutting the movie down, the fight to expose its deceptiveness continues. 8220Nina recognized injustice, and Nina never shut up,8221 he concludes. 8220So should we, and neither should we.8221 Read The Full Letter 8230 October 30, 2017 at 9:15 AM Leonard Hamilton says: Okay movies have been made for over a hundred years. These days with a digital camcorder or a IPAD even you can make your own movie. Do that. This blog is informative but someone got the funding and the green light, distribution rights, etc. Create your own project and make it happen. October 30, 2017 at 9:17 AM 8230 as Nina Simone. But just when you thought the topic had been entirely exhausted, here comes Aaron Overfield, the website content manager of NinaSimone, with a scathing criticism of writerdirector 8230 October 30, 2017 at 9:20 AM Diana Ross played Billie Holiday. Her skin wasn8217t lightened. I don8217t know how accurate the story was to her life, but Ross played that character with strength, and raw emotion. It earned her an Oscar nom. Everything about this movie with Zoe Saldana is disturbing. It8217s painful to see such a powerful, important, beautifully, creative, historically significant, heroic, icon be reduced in this way. I will not be watching this film, goddamit. October 30, 2017 at 10:10 AM As a dark skinned woman, I cannot tell you what your open letter means to me. Well said, Sir Well said. Nina would be proud October 30, 2017 at 10:13 AM 8230 can read the full letter here. See More: Zoe Saldana, Celebrity Gossip Related Posts:Zoe Saldana Dons Nina Simone039s 8230 October 30, 2017 at 10:17 AM 8230 solid You can read the open letter in full HERE. No Tantrums YetBITCHIE LINXKeyshia Cole, D8217Angelo, Letoya Luckett, Trey Songz amp More 8230 October 30, 2017 at 10:18 AM As someone who has researched Nina8217s life and read as much as I can about her I deplore this whitewashed (appropriate term) version of her life and hope her daughter will denounce this parody of her mothers life. Nina was an iconic figure in the Civil Rights Movement in America. Any depiction of her life that does not put that centre stage has not told her story 8211 as for making up phoney love affairs without recognising the men who were influential in her life and loved her or ill treated her in equal measure makes this a pointless and bad taste movie. If Nina was alive I have not doubt she would be pointing a shotgun at the movie maker October 30, 2017 at 11:25 AM Well said. Eloquently put. To make things a tad bit easier to accept, they could have casted Gabrielle Union because she is at least brown skin. Not light or dark but just brown. Zoe Saldana is a beautiful woman and decent actor but as an actor, she should have refused the role especially when she was told they would darken her complexion. I8217d be honest and ask 8220why don8217t you just cast someone who is darker than me rather than use me amp have myriads of people dislike me8221. Just voicing a small portion of my opinion but wow I am amazed and disappointed because with every movie they do for someone of African American decent, they never get the movie right at all. They let the selfishness of the writer and the arrogance of the director make the film without using the facts of the families who actually lived and grew wit the person. Dorothy Dandridge, Antoine Fischer, Ali. All these movies were inaccurate and would have been better if they just stick to what actually happened rather than put their own personal twist to it8230hollywood October 30, 2017 at 12:06 PM Thank you for this article. She was one of the first great vocal artist I had the pleasure of listening to and still is to date. October 30, 2017 at 12:11 PM I8217m not going to see this film. Although I8217m lighter skinned, this film is for black girls and women who are darker and with unapologetic african features who see themselves as ugly when they are not Saldana lost me as a fan. this is an insult because this is part of what drove a magnificient talent like SImone to live abroad America didn8217t want to accept her so she left Just like Jospehine Baker did and how Dorothy Dandrige SHOULD have done I remember hearing 8220Black IS The Color Of My True Love8217s Hair.8221 and just breaking down because you can hear the PAIN in her voice Aretha Franklin in her BEST day can never call up that type of emotional depth October 30, 2017 at 2:46 PM October 30, 2017 at 12:41 PM Dexter Payne says: Make the real movie of Nina Simone That8217s what we all want. October 30, 2017 at 12:45 PM Thank you for inciting my anger Really I do appreciate it and I am particularly encouraged by the diverse voices that have replied on your post. From this African American woman 8211 Nina ought to be canonized as a saint. Oh, sorry there are no saints of color. October 30, 2017 at 1:31 PM I find this post to be incredibly short-sighted and racist. While you make some decent points, they are totally undermined by your ignorance cloaked in a misguided political correctness. So, a Latin American woman can8217t and shouldn8217t direct a biopic about an African American woman Zoe Saldana isn8217t black enough to play Nina Simone Have you read the script Talked to the director Talked to Zoe It looks like you8217re making a bunch of wild assumptions without fact-checking any of them. On top of that, you8217re adding your own racist vitriol to the mix. You make some salient points. But you make some ass-backward ones as well. October 31, 2017 at 7:20 AM Eddie, you speak like you have to wallow in feces to know what it is8230if it looks like, smells like and has an odor like feces, then it is more than likely feces8230and we don8217t need to taste it to be for sure. Get a grip, dude. October 30, 2017 at 1:41 PM Hopefully no SANE person goes amp sees this film. I applaud you for your honesty. Dziękuję Ci. October 30, 2017 at 2:25 PM Lydia Daniels says: She is a saint of color and should be canonized as a saint. She should be respected as the dark skin African - American woman she was, she did not see herself anyother way. This movie will not be seen by anyone I know in Scandinavia, Black or white. Respect to Nina Simone and her family. October 30, 2017 at 2:39 PM here is more to it ladies than casting. It8217s about Nina Simone8217s legacy being lost in a controversial casting choice. It8217s unfortunate that in other historical features casting goes to great lengths for historical accuracy alongside star-power, especially in the physical depiction. Many of us are speaking out because it seems as if no attempt was made to cast an actress that resembles Nina Simone. And, it seems as if their was no true belief that any other actress of color would have the pull that Zoe has. The film8217s director is aiming for 8220an artistic telling.8221 Why should we put someone in 8220blackface8221 to tell a story artistically This should be about the story of Nina Simone. If that artistic element was so important more emphasis should have been put on the physical accuracy of the actress so that the artistry of the film-making is the focus not the casting. This film shouldn8217t be about judgements to see if Zoe will do a good job or if her make-up will be dark enough or if she8217ll learn how to play the piano with the strength and precision executed by Nina Simone. With this casting choice it could be. And with this casting choice I think the meaning of Nina Simone8217s music could be lost. I also think that there are other actresses that don8217t have the crossover appeal that Zoe does and therefore did not make box office numbers in time to be even close to the short list of possibilities for this film. October 30, 2017 at 2:44 PM I have seen Zoe act. Every role she plays is well done. But her tone of voice and look, her acting style does not scream Nina. Przepraszam. With all the powerful actresses in Hollywood that can do this part they can find someone with more accuracy. As for as the story line is concern if there is evidence that what they are saying about Nina is false then that is slander. I8217d sue the heck out of somebody that would imply that my mother had sexual relations with someone she didn8217t. Would they want someone to do that to their mother8217s story And if its not about Nina then Don8217t call it 8220Nina8221 fool. October 30, 2017 at 2:49 PM One Question Where the heck is Oprah and why is she not making a film about Nina instead of this BS. October 30, 2017 at 2:54 PM 8230 To finish reading Mr. Overfield8217s passionate and moving letter click here lt8212- 8230 October 30, 2017 at 2:58 PM First let me say that I think Zoe is a beautiful woman who I consider to be of African decent and a wonderful actress. I just feel like when casting for a movie you should cast someone who actually look like Nina. Dark skinned women in general are frowned upon in general in mainstream corporate media standards for the most part unless you are the so called exceptionally beautiful type of 8220pretty for a dark skinned girl8221 type like our beautiful sisters: Naomi Campbell or Alec Wek where maybe you can have them look the other way and you can slide. With that being said, its no surprise why people see that this 8220Being Uncomfortable8221 with a dark skin leading actress in a non-belittling role is very difficult for many people to digest. Dark isnt suppose to be beautiful, right. cause that what it says basically. Why not just cast one of the many many plentiful dark actresses some of which look very similar to Nina Instead of having to go through painting Zoe8217s skin black and prognostics and what not8230why go through all of that8230all that to avoid anything but a dark black woman leading role right Cause thats what it looks like. They dont even have the same body type. I personally feel Nina was extremely beautiful inside and out. Its not Zoe8217s fault, it goes much deeper than Zoe, she is just caught in the cross fire of it all. Don8217t put down Zoe or Dis our sister, we need to show compassion to her and look deeper at the folks behind it. October 30, 2017 at 2:59 PM Thank you so much for this article. I was at first excited about the Nina Symone film. When word got out about Zoe Saladna(sp). I was like what the heck are these people thinking I agree with the majority of the posters on here Hollywood is so focused on the Almighty Dollar and not the artform. I will not be seeing this movie and I hope Ms. Morton will consider speaking to Nina8217s family. out of respect and artistic craft. How would Ms. Morton feel if a Black woman protrayed Gloria Estefan. October 30, 2017 at 3:04 PM First let me say that I think Zoe is a beautiful woman who I consider to be of African decent and a wonderful actress. I just feel like when casting for a movie you should cast someone who actually look like Nina. Dark skinned women in general are frowned upon in general in mainstream corporate media standards for the most part unless you are the so called exceptionally beautiful type of pretty for a dark skinned girl type like our beautiful sisters: Naomi Campbell or Alec Wek where maybe you can have them look the other way and you can slide. With that being said, its no surprise why people see that this Being Uncomfortable with a dark skin leading actress in a non-belittling role is very difficult for many people to digest. Dark isnt suppose to be beautiful, right. cause that what it says basically. Why not just cast one of the many many plentiful dark actresses some of which look very similar to Nina Instead of having to go through painting Zoes skin black and prosthetic and what notwhy go through all of thatall that to avoid anything but a dark black woman leading role right Cause thats what it looks like. They dont even have the same body type. I personally feel Nina was extremely beautiful inside and out. Its not Zoes fault, it goes much deeper than Zoe, she is just caught in the cross fire of it all. Dont put down Zoe or Dis our sister, we need to show compassion to her and look deeper at the folks behind it. November 11, 2017 at 11:12 PM I can definitely agree with you here. While Zoe is a Black woman, the producers could have chosen someone whose skin tone and look more closely matched Nina8217s. But honestly, maybe there were no other actresses who auditioned in a manner acceptable to the producersdirectors. If Black Americans want Nina Simone portrayed differently, then we should make our own movies and stop expecting white people to make them. October 30, 2017 at 3:04 PM Nina8211Black Nubian Queen8230 October 30, 2017 at 3:30 PM Where is the motherfucking 8220LIKE8221 button PREACH October 30, 2017 at 5:01 PM Who will know the real Nina Simone if this movie is done Our younger generations will hear her music (which is beyond earthly beauty) and never know the real woman who sang those songs. Again, those who use lies and misconceptions are allowed to rewrite history as they have the money and power to do what they please. We know the truth now but later8230..our children buy the lies. October 30, 2017 at 6:27 PM Don8217t support the film, bottom line, that is the only way to let them know it is an outrage Keep your money in your pocket October 30, 2017 at 7:12 PM Cynthia Mort can do what she want but I will not support her film. However, the best film that I ever watched about Nina Simone is a French documentary starring Nina Simone herself. If none of you have ever seen it, please check out: 8220La Legende.8221 In watching the documentary, you will see that any film recreating the life of Nina Simone is not possible. The true essence of Nina Simone can not be replicated at all October 30, 2017 at 7:14 PM The lack of respect shown to Zoe Saldana, just simply as an actress and an artist doing a job, is absolutely appalling to me. The attacks on her are so disheartening and I say this as a woman of color. Whether you think she is black enough is irrelevant. She is and identifies herself as a Black woman. Mary J. Blige, who was previously slated to play Nina, is a singer and has very little experience as an actress. Yet not a peep was heard when was cast to play that role simply because she was considered black enough to do it. It8217s issues like this that continue to divide and conquer us as women of color in general. I wish Zoe nothing but the best and I hope she proves all of the naysayers wrong November 3, 2017 at 9:00 AM 8230and as for the dark actresses who are considered too 8220ugly8221(like nina herself) to get leading roles It8217s like you Zoe supporters go out of your way to NOT get what people are angry about. 8220we8217re all black8221 isn8217t much of a comfort when darker women are still getting treated worse than light brown women with more Caucasian friendly features. November 3, 2017 at 9:10 AM I forgot to add. Zoe pretty much went through the 8220too black8221 struggle in the dominican republic. they wanted nothing to do with her(till she got famous, that is). Point is, her reaction was not 8220oh, we8217re all dominican, so I don8217t mind it being light people all the time in my media no matter what8221, It was 8220this is shitty how people with my skin color are treated. I8217m dominican too and should be represented. and NOT when you just want me to play an ugly person or a maid or something8221 November 3, 2017 at 9:13 AM So she really should know better. Though the high level of defensiveness shows that she probably does, but chose to do it anyway. never mind the parallels that can be drawn from the beginning of her career to what dark skinned women face here. November 8, 2017 at 1:44 PM JoJos Girl replied: October 30, 2017 at 7:38 PM I am very sadden at how people can just take someone8217s life adventures and do away with it any which way they feel. Ms. Mort where is your integrity To just throw anything together and say this is how this LEGEND lived is very sad8230 shame on you. And as far as whom was chosen to play Ms. Simone is just a ridiculious choice8230 what happen to Macy Gray or India Irie heck i would even go for Erykah badu someone close in nature that would bring her stroy to life once again there are alot of other actress out there that would bring this moving to life RESEARCH. October 30, 2017 at 7:49 PM I have loved Nina since I was a youngin8217 and almost got a chance to see her during one of her last performances, but it was too far away for me to get there and back and make t to work. To this day, I regret not going. When I first heard a film about Nina8217s life was being made, I was beyond excited. When I started hearing rumblings about it, I was less than impressed8230so I will not be seeing this movie. I was especially appalled that Zoe Saldana was chosen over Whoopi Goldberg who reportedly wanted the role. Where is the logic in that October 30, 2017 at 8:47 PM 8230 The High Priestess of Soul, Nina Simone, in an unauthorized film, author and web content manager of NinaSimone, Aaron Overfield, made it clear that the legend herself would not tolerate the erasure of such an 8230 October 30, 2017 at 8:48 PM PHENOMENAL, PHENOMENAL WRITE - UP8230CHECKMATE. THANK YOU AARON FOR SHARING AMAZING KNOWLEDGE FOR MANY OF OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DON8217T KNOW THE HISTORY OF OUR BEAUTIFUL NUBIAN QUEEN NINA SIMONE8230 JANNE8217T October 30, 2017 at 10:03 PM Well said. When i heard about the film, it angered me. Even when i hear her music in commercials and such i feel like the real her is being watered down. If people knew her music thoroughly theyd respect and preserve the legacy she left behind. I wish there was more we could do in practical terms to stop the film8230anything the family can do October 30, 2017 at 11:02 PM Mista Swift says: I don8217t understand so much venom for Zoe taking on such a monumental role. Is she supposed to doubt her ability as an actress or not get hers for peoples personal views. If people have sooooo much to say, go talk to her estate and make your own film I can understand the issue of not consulting with her estate, but is her family the only ones that can give personal accounts and information on Nina8217s life. THIS MOVIE HAS NOT EVEN BEEN MADE YET. I think our community is too caught up on this light-skinnedDark-Skinned thing. We need more projects that bring to the light our black super heroes of an era thats past. My 9 year old daughter that wants to be a singer learned about Nina Simone via a weightwatchers commercial with Jennifer Hudson. Because she connected to that, we have been able to expose her to some of the other legendary women. Those with the ability to expose a new generation of people to our elders, I say let them. It is up to us to guide them further after the initial exposure. October 31, 2017 at 1:59 AM You know what Let the monstrocity take place, it will no doubt be a travesty, and can never have the impact a carefully thought out, respectful and movie with fitting casting would. I do feel for the family and friends. I, as an African AmericanDutch actress, too have been insulted many many times on the basis of my looks and origin, so I know what goes on. But, let it happen, and let8217s allow the film to prove its8217 own irrelevance Lord knows there are millions of us out there who know (about) the real Nina. Moreover, freedom of speech is a great good, and forbidding a movie would not be doing a service to this beautiful principle. Let the movie be. Based on what you so respectfully and passionately sketch about its8217 makers and intentions, it can never really become a success, now can it God bless Nina October 31, 2017 at 3:17 AM Your open letter is very insightful and makes its point very clearly. The issue here is much subtler than Zoe Saldana8217s skin color or Cynthia Mort8217s skin color for that matter, and its implications are far more perverse. It is appalling that anyone who has actually listened to Nina Simone8217s lyrics, her concert adlibs or read her autobiography can seriously consider blackening up an actress to portray her. As an artist, Nina Simone was beyond any categorization. That she was consistently pigeonholed, discriminated against or claimed on the basis of her skin tone and facial features pained her beyond words. She felt it was the greatest tragedy of her life. Making an actress, any actress, blacken up or paste on prosthetics to portray Nina Simone reduces Nina Simone to skin tone and facial features AGAIN. The cruel irony of this ignorant artistic choice and the debate that surrounds is that at the end of the day it still leaves Nina8217s unique genius and visionary legacy painfully and tragically in her own words 8216misunderstood8217. October 31, 2017 at 7:37 AM Indeed, the fact that Zoe Zaldana has to wear make up and a wig in itself is a statement in regard to her being 8216black enough8217. November 1, 2017 at 1:25 AM Maria White replied: Say that again Please and thanks November 11, 2017 at 9:34 PM that8217s ridiculous. Daniel Day Lewis is wearing makeup and a wig to play Abraham Lincoln 8211 doesn8217t make either of them any less white. Sure Zoe is Latin Black, but she is still Black. Black Americans do not have the lock on Black people 8211 Black people are allover this world, and many different ethnic groups of Black people are in America now. Jamaicans, Africans, Latin Blacks etc. Stop it. This is silly and makes you all sound like haters. October 31, 2017 at 7:37 AM Indeed, the fact that Zoe Zaldana has to wear make up and a wig in itself is a statement in regard to her being 8216black enough8217 to play the part. November 11, 2017 at 9:52 PM Actors use stage makeup and prosthetics all the time to capture a closer look to the person they are portraying. October 31, 2017 at 3:36 AM Then gentrification of Nina Simone, indeed When you watch this documentary of Nina8212gt vimeo36905801 lt8212 (PLEASE WATCH IT) and listen to her speak about herself, you begin to see that Hollywood never intended to make a film about the REAL Nina Simone. They don039t make films about HER kind of unapologetic Blackness - her type of non-conforming militancy - in Hollywood, her unbridled tongue, her refusal to break even if conditions around her constantly attempted to break her down (her mental state included). The fullness (literally and figuratively), the beautiful brashness, the sheer eccentricity and gall of Nina, and the fact that she spent her life in the struggle for the equality and blackness of African Americans will have to be visited in books, magazine articles, the hundreds of Youtube and Vimeo clipsvideos, and perhaps by the production of an INDIE film crew. October 31, 2017 at 4:09 AM My only reply to the whole controversy over Zoe Saldana8217s casting is a question: When was the last time a black actor was hired to play a role about someone of a lighter complexion with different ethic physical characteristics (excluding comedies) October 31, 2017 at 5:02 AM I read with interest the full article. Whilst I agree with a lot of points made, can we at least address some facts I read a lot of comments and there are a lot of people who seem to be offended at the film and choice of actress. The whole not black enough argument is out the window as far as I8217m concerned as long as there was a fair selection process. Let me explain the number 1 drafting criterior should be a BLACK woman of whatever age they deemed necessary. When selecting the actress to play Nina it should be the BEST actress for the job, trust me, its a big task for anyone to play someone of Nina8217s importance. Nina is a legend, and certainly her estate should have been contacted prior to the making of this film. We should also remember that a lot of this document is based of speculation about what the film will entail. We just do the typical thing of shooting down the messenger, the message, and everyone in between. How many times have we all read statements where people say don8217t support this or don8217t support that where ultimately we have two choices support it or do BETTER. I don8217t see anyone else looking to fund a Nina Simone story but we all are quite happy to air our disgust at someone trying to at least give Nina8217s legacy some form of relativity in today8217s era with no role models. So come on people if we are really so inscensed by this film sorry prospect of a film, who is prepared to dip in their pockets and help fund a film which ACCURATELY tells Nina8217s Story I8217m ready8230. who else If you8217re not prepared to, I would be as rude as to say keep your thoughts to yourself but I would kindly ask you to step aside while someone at least tries. For the record, I8217m not a supported of the concept of the film based on the writer of this pieces comments but I will go and see the film before I slate it. October 31, 2017 at 5:23 AM THANK YOU for sharing this commentary. i was not aware of who this Nina Simone, was and what a way to learn about a role model for me. I AM A HETEROSEXUAL BLACK SISTA and really amazed at the level to internalized whiteness of this GAY MAN (ASSISTANT) AND LESBIAN CAUCASIAN FEMALE (LATIN) who decided to PROMOTE THE HETEROSEXISM THEY HATE. and this is truly not right to send this kind of MESSAGE TO DARK SKINNED LITTLE GIRLS: 8216see yourselves through self hatred8217. that is why we are on board to assist. there is nothing nice about Cort and Zoe, especially, whiteness truly is a bitch, as we can see. and SANCTIONS ON 8220Artist Licence8221 will be a bitch to them. People find their self in film because film is magical. image in film is important. this VIOLENCE FROM WOMEN TOWARDS WOMEN is so not cool. Mr. Overfield, thank you truly for posting this. so so sad. and this is the way we have to learn about a revolutionary dark hued sista October 31, 2017 at 6:20 AM Thank you for writing this. As soon as I heard Zoe8217s name with Nina Simone, I was upset Why are we always whitewashed. I will re-post and do whatever I can. Peace amp Blessings. October 31, 2017 at 7:16 AM Thank you all for your passion8230regardless of the stance you may take on this subject. Movies come and go8230faster now than they did in the past. It is our responsibility and obligation to share Nina Simone with individuals we have a direct impact on and connection with8230ijs. My first exposure to Nina Simone was in the 8220Point of No Return8221 movie way back in 1993. I asked my mother, 8220Who is that singing8221 After she told me who it was8230I asked her to take me to the music store. I bought every cassette8230yes, I said cassette8230that they had in the store. It was all I listened to for about three months. That was my introduction to Lady Simone. After reading all of these passionate comments8211I am reminded that it is now time for me to introduce her to my nieces. October 31, 2017 at 7:19 AM October 31, 2017 at 7:35 AM Jerome, I agree that we do need to support making a movie that speaks to Nina8217s truth. The question will be, who has the capital in the movie making business to get the movie distributed as it should If there is no one who can do so, then why not make the film (through donations from one and all) and distribute it through other sources8230we do have the Internet and DVD sales8230something that most people can obtain without 8220breaking the bank.8221 I won8217t see the movie and will boycott it during the first week so that I8217m sure it will fail8230you know, Hollywood makes its judgment on black films in the first week8230this one needs to go to the rubbish heap because it does not give Nina the respect she deserves as a grand artist of our times. October 31, 2017 at 9:32 AM First thing, the problem with this equation is the source material on which the movie is based was not an autobiography sanctioned by or Nina Simone or her family. It was a biography written by someone who had personal involvement with Simone, but seemed to have fabricated certain aspects of their relationship. THIS book is what the movie is based on. Perhaps Cynthia Mort should8217ve consulted the family before moving ahead with the project to ensure that the basic story was adhered to. Because of failing to do this the project will suffer. Zoe is an actress Why wouldn8217t she jump at the chance to play such a legendary figure in Nina Simone Streep played Maragret Thatcher and she8217s not British, but she is a white actress. Period People are assuming that Viola Davis and other actresses who have a stronger physical resemblance to Simone were overlooked in the casting project. Perhaps these women were approached but were unable to do the film based on their reaction the material, scheduling problems, whatever. We don8217t know what transpired in the casting process. But to outright say that Zoe shouldn8217t have taken the role bc SHE ISN8217T BLACK ENOUGH is beyond incomprehensible. She8217s an actress. It8217s her job to transform into characters. Get off this woman8217s back and get a damn clue about the reality of an actor8217s world. there aren8217t a lot of great roles out there for black women. She took an opportunity, good for her October 31, 2017 at 9:55 AM I am a 28 year old female amp started to learn about Nina Simone when I saw her on the 8220Cosby Show.8221 I recently came across a photo of Zoe Saldana dressed up as Nina Simone amp I thought it was an early Halloween get-up. Then as I began to read about the controversy brewing, I got8230pissed. This movie should be a huge flop. I will not support it amp I will encourage others to NOT support it as well. I went to school for theatre amp consider myself very supportive of everything artistic, but THIS, is that bullsht. Abraham Lincoln as a vampire slayer8230okay, we know that8217s completely fictional. But this is a person8217s real life and supposed real life events. It8217s just a damn shame. October 31, 2017 at 10:16 AM 8230 a letter on Nina Simone8217s official website the content manager wrote, 8220People who say that Zoes complexion and features shouldnt 8230 October 31, 2017 at 11:01 AM 8230 Via NinaSimone 8230 October 31, 2017 at 12:07 PM 8230 a letter 111110 Nina Simones official website 116104101 content manager wrote, People 119104111 115097121 8230 October 31, 2017 at 12:53 PM People certainly seem to have trouble understanding the intensity of the backlash and outcry. Speaking from a more personal level, I can say this isn8217t merely offensive, I see it as outright blasphemy. For me, this is all about Nina Simone. I8217m not attempting to be a crusader for African Americans nor do I think this is a referendum on racism or colorism 8211 at least for me personally. That would be no different than Cynthia Mort8217s actions. I wouldn8217t be arguing anything if this were about the casting of, say, Whitney, because the underlying issues would not be the same. This, for me, is only about Nina Simone. If people don8217t understand the opposition to this then perhaps they don8217t understand Nina or they underestimate her affect. She was dubbed the High Priestess for a reason. She is a spiritual-almost religious-experience for many people. I wouldn8217t refer to many of us as fans but as followers or devotees: Simonians. That might rub some folks the wrong way but that doesn8217t make it any less true. Again, speaking from a personal level, Nina made (and continues to make) my life richer and deeper, more so than anyone else in my entire life. She continually inspires me to be more real and true. As a teenaged boy on the heels of a childhood of abuse, drug abuse, and violence who felt totally numb and was in the process of 8220thinking8221 my way back into learning how to feel again, Nina8217s voice burned into me and showed me what realness was and how deeply emotions can actually run. Nina taught me that art with purpose and meaning was immeasurably more valuable than art for the sake of entertainment. I could go on and on about what Nina taught me but then this comment would be longer than my diatribe of a letter. Many also missed the point of what I was saying 8211 which means perhaps I didn8217t say it clearly enough. My point was not to at all address the issues surrounding Zoe8217s 8220blackness8221 (something I can8217t speak to) and my goal was to point out that focusing on that is likely misguided and only gives ammunition to the supporters of this film. The point is that if Cynthia Mort or anyone else behind this film were telling the true story of Nina, Zoe would never have be cast for the role and people wouldn8217t be forced to state the obvious about the inappropriateness of the casting itself. To me, the petition someone started on Change. org that was asking for them to replace Zoe with someone who looked more like Nina might8217ve been better received (and more productive) if it was simply a cry for them to tell the ACTUAL story of Nina Simone. If that happened, all the other proverbial chips would fall into place and the entire thing would look and feel very different. I was also not trying to say or imply Cynthia shouldn8217t or can8217t tell this story because of her race or heritage. My assertion was that those things shouldn8217t shape her agenda to the point where she dismisses or marginalizes the people Nina spent her career trying to speak to, reach, impassion, inspire. I stand by my claim that Nina has been gentrified. We have seen the financial backing of this film reconstruct, redevelop, and repurpose Nina8217s identity and life in a way to make her more marketable while marginalizing those whom identify with her and with whom she identified. It is a moral issue for me and I see it as morally wrong and repugnant. It also hurts and makes me incredibly sad and angry. I applaud Nina8217s daughter, Simone, for the dignity and grace she8217s demonstrating in handling this and wonder if I could or would do the same were this about my own mother. I seriously doubt it. But again, this is only about NINA SIMONE. October 31, 2017 at 1:11 PM 8230 a letter on Nina Simone8217s official website the content manager wrote, 8220People who say that Zoes complexion and features shouldnt 8230 October 31, 2017 at 2:36 PM 8230 And having a black president is totally a moot point in regards to that. In a letter on Nina Simones official website the content manager wrote, People who say that Zoes complexion and features shouldnt 8230 October 31, 2017 at 2:49 PM 8230 Theres more. Lots more. Read the full letter here. 8230 October 31, 2017 at 2:57 PM maybe zoe was approached for the movie because she is a fantastic actress who looks black, and if her skin is being darkened to portray the role then so what. a movie was made on shakespear that painted him to be a thief of someone elses work and the world survived it. at the end of the day the movie dont change your reception of the character being portrayed its all fictional work and it should be enjoyed and laughed over. I8217m actually surprised a campaign is being brought about this, least i must mention beautiful write up and very inspirational but its just a MOVIE and Zoe is actually. As blacks we need to get over this little incosiquential things and actually see above the little pictures in front of us. October 31, 2017 at 4:56 PM 8230 written by Aaron Overfield, website content manager for ninasimone to read the full letter, click here8230 8230The script, written by Latin American writer and first time director Cynthia Mort, is based 8230 October 31, 2017 at 8:03 PM 8230 The High Priestess of Soul, Nina Simone, in an unauthorized film, author and web content manager of NinaSimone, Aaron Overfield, made it clear that the legend herself would not tolerate the erasure of such an 8230 November 1, 2017 at 1:23 AM 8230 the person behind Nina Simone8217s official website has published a harsh open letter blasting Saldana and director Cynthia Mort for their 8230 November 1, 2017 at 4:44 AM This is an excellent place to start. I maintain that the videos of Nina Simone speak for themselves 8211 why not make a documentary 8211 now 2017-2017 8211 that shows who she really was 8211 what she really looked like. The footage from the various videos as well as the outpouring of her international fan base 8211 would be not only an answer to the 8220other8221 project but a fitting tribute to leave behind for other generations to discover. It goes without saying that such a documentary would have to be well executed. But I take that as a given. And as said previously, this is an excellent place to start. November 1, 2017 at 5:35 AM This is really really sad. Hollywood has been watering down the black experience since its inception and now they are 8220dumbing it down8221 ad nauseum. I will not support this movie whatsoever. And will do my best to spread the word to my closest friends and associates to do the same. We deserve more. We deserve respect. We deserve fairness. Why is our pedigree always being diluted by Hollywood when it comes to positive or controversial portrayals. The 8220only8221 aspect of blackness that is held true ARE THE NEGATIVE ones. I8217m tired. November 1, 2017 at 7:37 AM Patrick Case says: I8217m disgusted by the behaviour of these film makers. In 2017, it seems to me that they should be striving for rigorous authenticity and for nothing less. I8217m telling you that a fan of Nina Simone, I8217m not going to see thi film. I have not spoken with her about it but I can bet that my daughter who grew up with Nina8217s music and who still loves her will more than likely give the production a pass. That8217s what you get when storytellers create their own narrative when the real story is simply there for the using. November 1, 2017 at 8:16 AM Thank you for writing this. I don8217t know a whole lot about Nina Simone. But now I8217m ready to learn about her. Dziękuję Ci. November 1, 2017 at 9:05 AM Hey Adrienne, the best place to start learning about Nina is by watching these two videos: The Legend: vimeo36905801 Nina 8211 A Historical Perspective: vimeo35413162 November 1, 2017 at 11:04 AM It is true The best parts of our Black History have been abused by the entertainment industry and distorted. An example of this is Elizabeth Taylor playing the part of Cleopatra. Another example is in everyday media that portrays Black people in negative and undesirable ways. I am an advocate for the theory 8211 if we see something being done wrong, then we need to do it right. So I propose that the Nina Simone Family and Operations Staff get together with a master film maker and do it right There are plenty of talented actors and singers in this world who would love to help tell the story in the right way. Let8217s honor her legacy by not just speaking out, but by putting our words into action. Tell the story the way it should be told We should never LET anyone rewrite our history A Proposed Strategy: 1. Call Spike Lee, Shonda Rhimes, The Hughes Brothers, Tracy Taylor, Dee Rees, Hype Williams, Tyler Perry, Ava DuVernay, or John Singleton (or other independent film makers like: Camovement, Warren 8220Snoop8221 Oliver, Coodie amp Chike, Will Gates or Chris Velona) 2. Enlist Actors, Actresses, Singers and Musicians that are professional and who can help portray Nina8217s Story the right way. 8220Adepero Oduye8221 would be awesome as Nina Simone in a beautifully produced film (A good Suggestion from Master Actress Nia Fairweather) 3. Release this film on the same day as the one that we are protesting against and double the marketing dollars so that the light can be placed on the right film Let8217s take ACTION in a productive Strategic Way and Teach Nina8217s Story to generations to come. God Bless You All November 1, 2017 at 9:02 PM 8230 Take On the Nina Simone Biopic8217s Casting Troubles.8221 I also invite you to read the open letter written by the content manager for 8230 November 2, 2017 at 12:00 AM Thanks I knew about Zoe8217s dislikes of her Black friends, after an appearance on The Tyra Banks show. But I did not know about Mort8217s disregard for the input of those closest to Nina. WOW November 2, 2017 at 3:26 PM My Other Cars the Tardis says: Thank you for pointing out another (although there are many, many troubling things) problematic aspect to this project: gtgtIt is also the first instance of Cynthias script exploiting a marginalized identity by essentially putting straightface on an out gay man. This is rather curious since Mort herself is a lesbian and youd wonder how shed feel being rewritten as a heterosexual woman under the guise of someone elses artistic license. ltlt (And: major props for using the term quotstraightfacequot. You are spot-on about this.) I am a huge fan of Nina Simone, and a casual one of Zoe Seldana. But: this film is like this year039s NYC Marathon. Just because you can do something and have the means to push it forward8211should you November 3, 2017 at 2:35 PM Wow. I8217m floored. What an excellent and enthralling essay from start to finish. I applaud your ability to turn the passion you have for human dignity and honesty into a totally convincing case. You brought up a very good point we have passed the point of racism (not that it doesn8217t exist but it8217s not acceptable in modern company) but that we still succumb to absorbing the distortions of truth by the making of movies like this and people who pay to watch it. The fact that Zoe got the part is equivalent to proving that in this day and age, we still comply with a certain template, appointed by those who succeed within it and keep it alive for as long as they can. Articles such as this shines the light that is needed to counter the forces that consciously or unconsciously strive to maintain exclusivity in our society. The irony couldn8217t be starker 8211 the movie is an insult to everything that Nina was about. Hopefully the movie8217s failure will send a message that the audience is much more alert than the producers had bargained for. November 3, 2017 at 6:11 PM Beautiful letter, and I8217m a die hard Nina Simone fan. I have to agree. There are plenty of REAL dark skinned, black actresses that are ALSO as well trained, beautiful, and as talented as Zoe. Would they cast Angelina Jolie to play Maya Angelou I think NOT. There are plenty of OTHER roles Zoe can play, NOT Nina. November 4, 2017 at 4:03 PM 8230 In order for Zoe to play this role that have decided to paint her at least 3 shades darker which has caused a lot of uproar amongst Nina Simone fans, so much so that the official Nina Simone website has released a statement to express their disgust HERE. 8230 November 4, 2017 at 4:21 PM Unfortunately, this is sooooo hollywood Zoe has been taking black roles in hollywood for over 10 years8230 Guess Who, Drumline, Death at a Funeral, Heart Specialist, The Words, Premium, Blackout, Constellation. It8217s unfortunate for the stuggling black female actors that will never get the commercialization and industry praise that they deserve. November 8, 2017 at 1:40 PM JoJos Girl says: Could it been possible that Saldana was chosen because of a hidden talent that will make this movie worth watching Could it also be possible that the family is upset not because they weren8217t consulted first, but rather, they were not consulted because the director didn8217t want to have to pay royalties November 8, 2017 at 7:07 PM Mable Lean says: This Zoe hang-up is so tired. Actors are ARTISTS This is not a documentary. If actors had to look just like the biographical roles that they play, movies would be even more boring that they already are. That8217s why they give out Oscars for make-up. She is an artist. Was anyone complaining when Mary Blige, who can8217t act at all, was cast in the role I certainly did. Not for nothing, who on this planet actually looks like Nina Simone Who Ironically, Nina8217s daughter could be an older sister to Zoe. December 5, 2017 at 1:24 AM not for nothing i don8217t think mary would have done her justice either. The person she wanted to play her whoopie goldberg has the looks and the acting chops to play her. India arie has the looks and the voice. November 9, 2017 at 12:44 AM 8230 There8217s more. Lots more. Read the full letter here. 8230 November 11, 2017 at 9:22 PM The young woman in the Brazilian movie 8220Orfeo Negro8221 (Black Orpheus) was Marpessa Dawn, a Black American from the East Coast of the U. S. Even though the film was based in the Black Brazilian favelas of a Brazilian city, with an all Black Brazilian supporting cast, the main star was not a Black Brazilian, but a Black American that a french director selected. Who cares if Zoe Saldana plays the role She is a Black woman just like Nina Simone. Let it go, and move on. November 13, 2017 at 10:56 AM Douglas Hovey says: Thank you so much for writing this I whole hearted agree with every point you have stated.. Dr. Simone8217s legacy is so important on many many levels, I don8217t even know where to start Suffise to say, her peerless musicianship, dedication and spirit must be preserved correctly for future generations. I loved HER so much. I saw her perform many times in NYC and have listened to everything available and more. I haven8217t read any of the other comments yet8230 I didn8217t want to be influenced.. December 7, 2017 at 9:39 PM I had a thought recently that I have not seen anyone mention, I don8217t think. If I had the money to produce a biopic on Nina, I would hands down choose TICHINA ARNOLD. She is not a far stretch from Nina8217s looks, and has a beautiful raspy voice as well8230 December 17, 2017 at 7:05 PM 8230 this biopic and that it8217s not official in any capacity. In a statement posted on facebook and Nina8217s site, she went in I8217m posting the whole thing, but highlight the really significant parts. Im 8230 January 7, 2017 at 8:44 PM Sebastin Moreno says: Hi, I just want to say that being a latin-american person doesnt mean anything about hisher race. She may be from Brazil, but she may be white also. Her nationality has nothing to do with her race. I8217m chilean, a latin-american country and there8217s a lot of white people round here. So, I just wanted to clarify that point. We, latin-american people, are not a different race. January 15, 2017 at 1:40 PM 8230 this biopic and that its not official in any capacity. In a statement posted on facebook and Ninas site, she went in Im posting the whole thing, but highlight the really significant parts. Im 8230 February 20, 2017 at 9:47 PM Maeve Clarke says: To begin 8211 why even bother discussing this Cynthia Mort 8211 doesn8217t even warrant Capital Letters. She is of nothing. To me, not alone a daughter of a strong woman who God love her had to put up with the Catholicism and all the rest of it in Ireland, but as a woman in my own right who lived for many years in the United States and here, I would not waste time in dealing with someone who is clearly making a name on the back of someone who by definition defies definition. How Nina Simone coped with not alone the bad, bad wrongdoings against her race 8211 and they are sickening 8211 but also a woman in those times and to cap it all an artist wide open to a 8216manager8217 to control her finances. But she did, she kept going. And so should we. Forget about people capitalising and talk ourselves about her music, her views, wish her daughter well 8211 as she herself said, she wished her mother to be in the wings, in the audience, anywhere, for her mother to realise it was not all for nothing. So, why don8217t we make it something Let8217s talk and in some way keep the legacy of Nina alive 8211 for all our sakes. Best wishes Maeve Clarke February 21, 2017 at 2:03 PM Should I be surprised that Nina fans are such pompous assholes March 1, 2017 at 12:45 AM actually you shouldn8217t, because we understand that Nina was truthful to her reality, and just as she was passionate about that, we are passionate about preserving her legacy. May 10, 2017 at 6:24 PM 8230 And having a black president is totally a moot point in regards to that. In a letter on Nina Simones official website the content manager wrote, People who say that Zoes complexion and features shouldnt 8230 May 17, 2017 at 2:15 PM 8230 here to read an open letter in protest of the film written by the creator of the official Nina Simone 8230 June 20, 2017 at 3:59 PM YOU know what8230.Nina8230would give a damn about it all. She fought the righteous fight8230.for her people8230and that was all that mattered8230and really8230.for God8217s sakes8230.isn8217t that all that MATTERS June 20, 2017 at 6:32 PM 8230 The sensationalized effort is not based on fact. 8230 June 28, 2017 at 5:47 PM 8230 civil rights activist Nina Simone. Many people have written about her and theres a very controversial film about her life thats in post-production. What do you plan explore in your 8230 August 20, 2017 at 1:12 AM Dan DiLiberto says: I8217m surprised to hear that this film will depict Nina and Cliff as lovers. I knew Cliff very well. We were good friends. We met while working at a psych ward. He later rented a room at a house I was leasing in Los Feliz. Cliff was openly gay. He was never romantically involved with Nina. They met at another psych facility he was working at. He came home one day and asked me if I had ever heard of a musician named Nina Simone. I said of course, she8217s a legend. He said she had told him that after she was released, she would be contacting him to offer him a job as her assistant in France. He didn8217t know what to make of it. But sure enough, a week or so later, he got a call from her attorney. And just like that, Cliff was living in France with Nina Simone. She trusted him. And eventually, made him her manager. This was amazing to me. Cliff was a good guy and a good friend. But he knew nothing about the music industry. Yet, within a year, he was traveling the world with a legend. He met many famous people through her, and even sat next to Nelson Mandela at a charity event. I8217m a musician and a songwriter. And after Cliff became her manager, he arranged for me to open for Nina at the Wiltern Theater in Los Angeles. Amazing gig. Cliff and I kept in touch. After Nina died, he told me about the legal difficulties he was having with her family and estate in France. After not hearing from him for a while, I had a strange feeling something was wrong. Cliff was diabetic. And he didn8217t take care of himself as well as he should have. I had his mom8217s number in Chicago, and his brother Gib8217s number. I also had Cliff8217s number in France. But while I was looking for info online about the movie Cliff said they were trying to get made about Nina, I saw a post that said Cliff had died. August 20, 2017 at 1:32 AM Dan DiLiberto says: Cliff told me all kinds of stories about Nina. When I met her at the Wiltern, she was definitely an interesting character. A real diva. And a truly singular musical voice. But the fights Cliff described having with Nina have stayed with me. Working in psych wards was tough in a lot of ways. A lot of staff members would get cynical, even callous toward patients. It was draining in that way. But Cliff was very protective of patients. It was not uncommon for him to write a co-worker up if h saw someone mistreat a patient. I think Nina recognized this quality in Cliff. She was not used to someone like him. He was NOT a lover to her. Nor was he an authority figure. He was somewhat effeminate. But he had no problem calling her on her BS. So as outlandish as it was seeing Cliff8217s life take this astronomically unexpected turn, it wasn8217t surprising that she grew to trust him more than the other people in her life. Cliff loved the finer things in life. He was star struck. He was materialistic. But he could not be bought. And it8217s too bad, the writers of 8220Nina8221 are taking the easy (and dishonest) route with this story. The real relationship they had would be far more touching, far more interesting, and far more entertaining. I still laugh at some of the things he told me. December 5, 2017 at 12:21 PM the estate of nina simone should and must immediately commission there own script and pre production of an authorised production THIS MUST HAPPEN FULL STOP i would lend my time free of charge to manifest this and i am positive others would follow as well May 30, 2017 at 4:27 PM June 10, 2017 at 8:22 AM 8230 director039s legal battle is already underway. Cynthia Mort aggravated Nina Simone fans in advance by launching a biopic starring Zoe Saldana (who bears no discernible resemblance to the 8230 December 6, 2017 at 3:28 AM 8230 Saldana donning dark makeup and an afro wig to assume the role of the iconic Simone, and the movie did not receive the blessing of Simone8217s 8230 March 3, 2018 at 9:16 PM 8230 An Open Letter To Anyone Who Cares About Nina Simone 8230 April 14, 2018 at 5:34 PM 8230 the Simone estate would ever want. In a rancorous post on ninasimone from October 2017 called 8220An Open Letter to Anyone Who Cares About Nina Simone,8221 Aaron Overfield mdash whose LinkedIn profile says he is the 8220official representative8221 8230 April 14, 2018 at 6:02 PM 8230 the Simone estate would ever want. In a rancorous post on ninasimone from October 2017 called 8220An Open Letter to Anyone Who Cares About Nina Simone,8221 Aaron Overfield whose LinkedIn profile says he is the 8220official representative8221 of 8230 April 14, 2018 at 7: 20 PM 8230 the Simone estate would ever want. In a rancorous post on ninasimone from October 2017 called ldquoAn Open Letter to Anyone Who Cares About Nina Simone, rdquo Aaron Overfield mdash whose LinkedIn profile says he is the 8220official representative8221 8230 April 16, 2018 at 10:52 AM 8230 the Simone estate would ever want. In a rancorous post on ninasimone from October 2017 called An Open Letter to Anyone Who Cares About Nina Simone, Aaron Overfield whose LinkedIn profile says he is the official representative of the 8230 June 22, 2018 at 3:19 AM 8230 8212 are the ones that tried to make this about Zoes Blackness. They tried to do so through every single choice they made that led to Zoe being cast to play Nina. Their ineptitude and insensitivity tried to make this about Zoes Blackness and then they 8230 Leave a Reply You must be logged in to post a comment. The Legacy of Nina She was one of the most extraordinary artists of the twentieth century, an icon of American music. She was the consummate musical storyteller, a griot . As she would come to learn, who used her remarkable talent to create a legacy of liberation, empowerment, passion, and love through a magnificent body of works. She earned the moniker High Priestess of Soul for she could weave a spell so seductive and hypnotic that the listener lost track of time and space as they became absorbed in the moment. She was who the world would come to know as Nina Simone. Many Faces of Simone Ledisi on Nina8217s Influence I remember the first time I heard a Nina Simone song on the radio. It was on a public radio station in the Bay area and the song was Trouble in Mind. It was a beautiful Sunday and I was sitting in my white rocking chair on my porch. Her Naked Truth Shocked Me When I was an aspiring young artist searching for my voice, purpose, and direction, my early teachers took note of the fire burning in my belly, and they individually fanned the flame into passion, by introducing me to great Black women artists who presented their artistry with clarity and unrestrained courage. One of those great women was the unmistakable, Ms. Nina Simone. I am eternally grateful to my teachers for this particular introduction.

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